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Enhancement of microbial motility due to speed-dependent nutrient absorption

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 Added by Mario E. Di Salvo
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Marine microorganisms often reach high swimming speeds, either to take advantage of evanescent nutrient patches or to beat Brownian forces. Since this implies that a sizable part of their energetic budget must be allocated to motion, it is reasonable to assume that some fast-swimming microorganisms may increase their nutrient intake by increasing their speed v. We formulate a model to investigate this hypothesis and its consequences, finding the steady state solutions and analyzing their stability. Surprisingly, we find that even modest increases in nutrient absorption may lead to a significant increase of the microbial speed. In fact, evaluations obtained using realistic parameter values for bacteria indicate that the speed increase due to the enhanced nutrient absorption may be quite large.

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Deriving minimum evolution times is of paramount importance in quantum mechanics. Bounds on the speed of evolution are given by the so called quantum speed limit (QSL). In this work we use quantum optimal control methods to study the QSL for driven many level systems which exhibit local two-level interactions in the form of avoided crossings (ACs). Remarkably, we find that optimal evolution times are proportionally smaller than those predicted by the well-known two-level case, even when the ACs are isolated. We show that the physical mechanism for such enhancement is due to non-trivial cooperative effects between the AC and other levels, which are dynamically induced by the shape of the optimized control field.
When a low flux of time-frequency-entangled photon pairs (EPP) illuminates a two-photon transition, the rate of two-photon absorption (TPA) can be enhanced considerably by the quantum nature of photon number correlations and frequency correlations. We present a quantum-theoretic derivation of entangled TPA (ETPA) and calculate an upper bound on the amount of quantum enhancement that is possible in such systems. The derived bounds indicate that in order to observe ETPA the experiments would need to operate at a combination of significantly higher rates of EPP illumination, molecular concentrations, and conventional TPA cross sections than are achieved in typical experiments.
Despite their importance in many biological, ecological and physical processes, microorganismal fluid flows under tight confinement have not been investigated experimentally. Strong screening of Stokelets in this geometry suggests that the flow fields of different microorganisms should be universally dominated by the 2D source dipole from the swimmers finite-size body. Confinement therefore is poised to collapse differences across microorganisms, that are instead well-established in bulk. Here we combine experiments and theoretical modelling to show that, in general, this is not correct. Our results demonstrate that potentially minute details like microswimmers spinning and the physical arrangement of the propulsion appendages have in fact a leading role in setting qualitative topological properties of the hydrodynamic flow fields of micro-swimmers under confinement. This is well captured by an effective 2D model, even under relatively weak confinement. These results imply that active confined hydrodynamics is much richer than in bulk, and depends in a subtle manner on size, shape and propulsion mechanisms of the active components.
In a classic paper, Edward Purcell analysed the dynamics of flagellated bacterial swimmers and derived a geometrical relationship which optimizes the propulsion efficiency. Experimental measurements for wild-type bacterial species E. coli have revealed that they closely satisfy this geometric optimality. However, the dependence of the flagellar motor speed on the load and more generally the role of the torque-speed characteristics of the flagellar motor is not considered in Purcells original analysis. Here we derive a tuned condition representing a match between the flagella geometry and the torque-speed characteristics of the flagellar motor to maximize the bacterial swimming speed for a given load. This condition is independent of the geometric optimality condition derived by Purcell and interestingly this condition is not satisfied by wild-type E. coli which swim 2-3 times slower than the maximum possible speed given the amount of available motor torque. Our analysis also reveals the existence of an anomalous propulsion regime, where the swim speed increases with increasing load (drag). Finally, we present experimental data which supports our analysis.
We propose a modeling approach to study how mature biofilms spread and colonize new surfaces by predicting the formation and growth of satellite colonies generated by dispersing biofilms. This model provides the basis for better understanding the fate and behavior of dispersal cells, phenomenon that cannot, as yet, be predicted from knowledge of the genome. The model results were promising as supported by the experimental results. The proposed approach allows for further improvements through more detailed sub-models for front propagation, seeding, availability and depletion of resources. The present study was a successful proof-of-concept in answering the following questions: Can we predict the colonization of new sites following biofilm dispersal? Can we generate patterns in space and time to shed light on seeding dispersal? That are fundamental issues for developing novel approaches to manipulate biofilm formation in industrial, environmental and medical applications.
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