Characteristics of X-point Lobe Structures in Single-Null Discharges on MAST

Abstract in English

Lobe structures due to the application of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) have been observed using wide-angle imaging of light from He1+ ions in the vicinity of the lower X-point in MAST. The data presented are from lower single-null discharges where RMPs of toroidal mode number, n, of 4 and 6 were applied. It has been found that, above a threshold value, the lobe structures extend radially, linearly with the coil current, both in L-mode and H-mode. It is observed that after the application of the RMP, as the toroidal rotation in the confined plasma decreases, the lobes extend radially, suggesting the plasma is less effectively screening the RMP field. Comparing the imaging data with results from vacuum modelling shows that this technique can accurately predict the number and poloidal location of the lobes, but over-estimates their radial extent. More accurate estimates of the extent of the lobes can be made by accounting for plasma screening of the RMP field. Qualitative agreement between simulation and experiment is found if it is assumed that the RMP penetrates 2% in normalised radius from the last closed flux surface.
