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Phonon-roton modes of liquid 4He beyond the roton in MCM-41

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 Added by Souleymane Diallo
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present neutron scattering measurements of the phonon-roton (P-R) mode of superfluid 4He confined in 47 AA MCM-41 at T = 0.5 K at wave vectors, Q, beyond the roton wave vector (Q_R =1.92 AA$^{-1}$). Measurements beyond the roton require access to high wave vectors (up to Q = 4 AA$^{-1}$) with excellent energy resolution and high statistical precision. The present results show for the first time that at T = 0.5 K the P-R mode in MCM-41 extends out to wave-vector Q$simeq$3.6 AA$^-1$ with the same energy and zero width (within precision) as observed in bulk superfluid 4He. Layer modes in the roton region are also observed. Specifically, the P-R mode energy, $omega_Q$, increases with Q for Q > QR and reaches a plateau at a maximum energy Q = 2{Delta} where {Delta} is the roton energy, {Delta} = 0.74 $pm$ 0.01 meV in MCM-41. This upper limit means the P-R mode decays to two rotons when its energy exceeds 2{Delta}. It also means that the P-R mode does not decay to two layers modes. If the P-R could decay to two layer modes, $omega_Q$ would plateau at a lower energy, $omega_Q$ = 2{Delta}L where {Delta}L = 0.60 meV is the energy of the roton like minimum of the layer mode. The observation of the P-R mode with energy up to 2{Delta} shows that the P-R mode and the layer modes are independent modes with apparently little interaction between them.

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High-resolution neutron resonance spin-echo measurements of superfluid 4He show that the roton energy does not have the same temperature dependence as the inverse lifetime. Diagrammatic analysis attributes this to the interaction of rotons with thermally excited phonons via both four- and three-particle processes, the latter being allowed by the broken gauge symmetry of the Bose condensate. The distinct temperature dependence of the roton energy at low temperatures suggests that the net roton-phonon interaction is repulsive.
We compute several ground state properties and the dynamical structure factor of a 0-temperature system of Bosons interacting with the 2D screened Coulomb (2D-SC) potential. We resort to the exact shadow path integral ground state (SPIGS) quantum Monte Carlo method to compute the imaginary-time correlation function of the model, and to the genetic algorithm via falsification of theories (GIFT) to retrieve the dynamical structure factor. We provide a detailed comparison of ground state properties and collective excitations of 2D-SC and 4He atoms. The roton energy of the 2D-SC system is an increasing function of density, and not a decreasing one as in 4He. This result is in contrast with the view that the roton is the soft mode of the fluid-solid transition. We uncover a remarkable quasi-universality of backflow and of other properties when expressed in terms of the amount of short range order as quantified by the height of the first peak of the static structure factor.
260 - J. W. Mei , Z. Y. Weng 2009
We identify a new kind of elementary excitations, spin-rotons, in the doped Mott insulator. They play a central role in deciding the superconducting transition temperature Tc, resulting in a simple Tc formula,Tc=Eg/6, with Eg as the characteristic energy scale of the spin rotons. We show that the degenerate S=1 and S=0 rotons can be probed by neutron scattering and Raman scattering measurements, respectively, in good agreement with the magnetic resonancelike mode and the Raman A1g mode observed in the high-Tc cuprates.
We point out the possibility of having a roton-type excitation spectrum in a quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensate with dipole-dipole interactions. Normally such a system is quite unstable due to the attractive portion of the dipolar interaction. However, by reversing the sign of the dipolar interaction using either a rotating magnetic field or a laser with circular polarization, a stable cigar-shaped configuration can be achieved whose spectrum contains a `roton minimum analogous to that found in helium II. Dipolar gases also offer the exciting prospect to tune the depth of this `roton minimum by directly controlling the interparticle interaction strength. When the minimum touches the zero-energy axis the system is once again unstable, possibly to the formation of a density wave.
We investigate the occurrence of rotons in a quadrupolar Bose-Einstein condensate confined to two dimensions. Depending on the particle density, the ratio of the contact and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions, and the alignment of the quadrupole moments with respect to the confinement plane, the dispersion relation features two or four point-like roton minima, or one ring-shaped minimum. We map out the entire parameter space of the roton behavior and identify the instability regions. We propose to observe the exotic rotons by monitoring the characteristic density wave dynamics resulting from a short local perturbation, and discuss the possibilities to detect the predicted effects in state-of-the-art experiments with ultracold homonuclear molecules.
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