Effective preparation and collisional decay of atomic condensate in excited bands of an optical lattice

Abstract in English

We present a method for the effective preparation of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) into the excited bands of an optical lattice via a standing-wave pulse sequence. With our method, the BEC can be prepared in either a single Bloch state in a excited-band, or a coherent superposition of states in different bands. Our scheme is experimentally demonstrated by preparing a $^{87}$Rb BEC into the $d$-band and the superposition of $s$- and $d$-band states of a one-dimensional optical lattice, within a few tens of microseconds. We further measure the decay of the BEC in the $d$-band state, and carry an analytical calculation for the collisional decay of atoms in the excited-band states. Our theoretical and experimental results consist well.
