Repulsive Interactions in Quantum Hall Systems as a Pairing Problem

Abstract in English

A subtle relation between Quantum Hall physics and the phenomenon of pairing is unveiled. By use of second quantization, we establish a connection between (i) a broad class of rotationally symmetric two-body interactions within the lowest Landau level and (ii) integrable hyperbolic Richardson-Gaudin type Hamiltonians that arise in (p_{x}+ip_{y}) superconductivity. Specifically, we show that general Haldane pseudopotentials (and their sums) can be expressed as a sum of repulsive non-commuting (p_{x}+ip_{y})-type pairing Hamiltonians. For the Laughlin sequence, it is observed that this problem is frustration free and zero energy ground states lie in the common null space of all of these non-commuting Hamiltonians. This property allows for the use of a new truncated basis of pairing configurations in which to express Laughlin states at general filling factors. We prove separability of arbitrary Haldane pseudopotentials, providing explicit expressions for their second quantized forms, and further show by explicit construction how to exploit the topological equivalence between different geometries (disk, cylinder, and sphere) sharing the same topological genus number, in the second quantized formalism, through similarity transformations. As an application of the second quantized approach, we establish a squeezing principle that applies to the zero modes of a general class of Hamiltonians, which includes but is not limited to Haldane pseudopotentials. We also show how one may establish (bounds on) incompressible filling factors for those Hamiltonians. By invoking properties of symmetric polynomials, we provide explicit second quantized quasi-hole generators; the generators that we find directly relate to bosonic chiral edge modes and further make aspects of dimensional reduction in the Quantum Hall systems precise.
