Probe of the Solar Magnetic Field Using the Cosmic-Ray Shadow of the Sun

Abstract in English

We report on a clear solar-cycle variation of the Suns shadow in the 10 TeV cosmic-ray flux observed by the Tibet air shower array during a full solar cycle from 1996 to 2009. In order to clarify the physical implications of the observed solar cycle variation, we develop numerical simulations of the Suns shadow, using the Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) model and the Current Sheet Source Surface (CSSS) model for the coronal magnetic field. We find that the intensity deficit in the simulated Suns shadow is very sensitive to the coronal magnetic field structure, and the observed variation of the Suns shadow is better reproduced by the CSSS model. This is the first successful attempt to evaluate the coronal magnetic field models by using the Suns shadow observed in the TeV cosmic-ray flux.
