One-dimensional weak antilocalization and band Berry phases in HgTe wires

Abstract in English

We study the weak antilocalization (WAL) effect in the magnetoresistance of narrow HgTe wires fabricated in quantum wells (QWs) with normal and inverted band ordering. Measurements at different gate voltages indicate that the WAL is only weakly affected by Rashba spin-orbit splitting and persists when the Rashba splitting is about zero. The WAL signal in wires with normal band ordering is an order of magnitude smaller than for inverted ones. These observations are attributed to a Dirac-like topology of the energy bands in HgTe QWs. From the magnetic-field and temperature dependencies we extract the dephasing lengths and band Berry phases. The weaker WAL for samples with a normal band structure can be explained by a non-universal Berry phase which always exceeds pi, the characteristic value for gapless Dirac fermions.
