Machine learning is used to approximate the kinetic energy of one dimensional diatomics as a functional of the electron density. The functional can accurately dissociate a diatomic, and can be systematically improved with training. Highly accurate self-consistent densities and molecular forces are found, indicating the possibility for ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations.
The concept of chemical bonding can ultimately be seen as a rationalization of the recurring structural patterns observed in molecules and solids. Chemical intuition is nothing but the ability to recognize and predict such patterns, and how they transform into one another. Here we discuss how to use a computer to identify atomic patterns automatically, so as to provide an algorithmic definition of a bond based solely on structural information. We concentrate in particular on hydrogen bonding -- a central concept to our understanding of the physical chemistry of water, biological systems and many technologically important materials. Since the hydrogen bond is a somewhat fuzzy entity that covers a broad range of energies and distances, many different criteria have been proposed and used over the years, based either on sophisticate electronic structure calculations followed by an energy decomposition analysis, or on somewhat arbitrary choices of a range of structural parameters that is deemed to correspond to a hydrogen-bonded configuration. We introduce here a definition that is univocal, unbiased, and adaptive, based on our machine-learning analysis of an atomistic simulation. The strategy we propose could be easily adapted to similar scenarios, where one has to recognize or classify structural patterns in a material or chemical compound.
Molecular-orbital-based machine learning (MOB-ML) enables the prediction of accurate correlation energies at the cost of obtaining molecular orbitals. Here, we present the derivation, implementation, and numerical demonstration of MOB-ML analytical nuclear gradients which are formulated in a general Lagrangian framework to enforce orthogonality, localization, and Brillouin constraints on the molecular orbitals. The MOB-ML gradient framework is general with respect to the regression technique (e.g., Gaussian process regression or neural networks) and the MOB feature design. We show that MOB-ML gradients are highly accurate compared to other ML methods on the ISO17 data set while only being trained on energies for hundreds of molecules compared to energies and gradients for hundreds of thousands of molecules for the other ML methods. The MOB-ML gradients are also shown to yield accurate optimized structures, at a computational cost for the gradient evaluation that is comparable to Hartree-Fock theory or hybrid DFT.
Predicting the outcome of a chemical reaction using efficient computational models can be used to develop high-throughput screening techniques. This can significantly reduce the number of experiments needed to be performed in a huge search space, which saves time, effort and expense. Recently, machine learning methods have been bolstering conventional structure-activity relationships used to advance understanding of chemical reactions. We have developed a model to predict the products of catalytic reactions on the surface of oxygen-covered and bare gold using machine learning. Using experimental data, we developed a machine learning model that maps reactants to products, using a chemical space representation. This involves predicting a chemical space value for the products, and then matching this value to a molecular structure chosen from a database. The database was developed by applying a set of possible reaction outcomes using known reaction mechanisms. Our machine learning approach complements chemical intuition in predicting the outcome of several types of chemical reactions. In some cases, machine learning makes correct predictions where chemical intuition fails. We achieve up to 93% prediction accuracy for a small data set of less than two hundred reactions.
Machine learning is a powerful tool to design accurate, highly non-local, exchange-correlation functionals for density functional theory. So far, most of those machine learned functionals are trained for systems with an integer number of particles. As such, they are unable to reproduce some crucial and fundamental aspects, such as the explicit dependency of the functionals on the particle number or the infamous derivative discontinuity at integer particle numbers. Here we propose a solution to these problems by training a neural network as the universal functional of density-functional theory that (i) depends explicitly on the number of particles with a piece-wise linearity between the integer numbers and (ii) reproduces the derivative discontinuity of the exchange-correlation energy. This is achieved by using an ensemble formalism, a training set containing fractional densities, and an explicitly discontinuous formulation.
Strategies for machine-learning(ML)-accelerated discovery that are general across materials composition spaces are essential, but demonstrations of ML have been primarily limited to narrow composition variations. By addressing the scarcity of data in promising regions of chemical space for challenging targets like open-shell transition-metal complexes, general representations and transferable ML models that leverage known relationships in existing data will accelerate discovery. Over a large set (ca. 1000) of isovalent transition-metal complexes, we quantify evident relationships for different properties (i.e., spin-splitting and ligand dissociation) between rows of the periodic table (i.e., 3d/4d metals and 2p/3p ligands). We demonstrate an extension to graph-based revised autocorrelation (RAC) representation (i.e., eRAC) that incorporates the effective nuclear charge alongside the nuclear charge heuristic that otherwise overestimates dissimilarity of isovalent complexes. To address the common challenge of discovery in a new space where data is limited, we introduce a transfer learning approach in which we seed models trained on a large amount of data from one row of the periodic table with a small number of data points from the additional row. We demonstrate the synergistic value of the eRACs alongside this transfer learning strategy to consistently improve model performance. Analysis of these models highlights how the approach succeeds by reordering the distances between complexes to be more consistent with the periodic table, a property we expect to be broadly useful for other materials domains.