Development of a Time-resolved Neutron Imaging Detector Based on the {mu}PIC Micro-Pixel Chamber

Abstract in English

We have developed a prototype time-resolved neutron imaging detector employing a micro-pattern gaseous detector known as the micro-pixel chamber ({mu}PIC) coupled with a field-programmable-gate-array-based data acquisition system. Our detector system combines 100{mu}m-level spatial and sub-{mu}s time resolutions with a low gamma sensitivity of less than 10^-12 and high data rates, making it well suited for applications in neutron radiography at high-intensity, pulsed neutron sources. In the present paper, we introduce the detector system and present several test measurements performed at NOBORU (BL10), J-PARC to demonstrate the capabilities of our prototype. We also discuss future improvements to the spatial resolution and rate performance.
