Searching for the main powering outflow objects in Cepheus A East

Abstract in English

We present (sub)millimeter line and continuum observations in a mosaicing mode of the massive star forming region Cepheus A East made with the Submillimeter Array (SMA). Our mosaic covers a total area of about 3$$ $times$ 12$$ centered in the HW 2/3 region. For the first time, this observational study encloses a high angular resolution ($sim$ 3$$) together with a large scale mapping of Cepheus A East. We report compact and high velocity $^{12}$CO(2-1) emission associated with the multiple east-west bright H$_2$ condensations present in the region. Blueshifted and redshifted gas emission is found towards the east as well as west of HW 2/3. The observations suggest the presence of multiple large-scale east-west outflows that seems to be powered at smaller scales by radio sources associated with the young stars HW2, HW3c and HW3d. A kinematical study of part of the data suggests that the molecular outflow powered by HW2 is precesing with time as recently reported. Our data reveal five periodic ejections of material separated approximately every 10$^circ$ as projected in the plane of the sky. The most recent ejections appear to move toward the plane of the sky. An energetic explosive event as the one that occurred in Orion BN/KL or DR21 does not explain the kinematics, and the dynamical times of the multiple ejections found here. The continuum observations only revealed a strong millimeter source associated with the HW 2/3 region. High angular resolution observations allow us to resolve this extended dusty object in only two compact sources (with spatial sizes of approximately 300 AU) associated with HW2 and HW3c. Finally, the bright optical/X-Ray HH 168 -- GDD37 object might be produced by strong shocks related with the outflow from HW3c.
