Statistical multifragmentation model with discretized energy and the generalized Fermi breakup. I. Formulation of the model

Abstract in English

The Generalized Fermi Breakup recently demonstrated to be formally equivalent to the Statistical Multifragmentation Model, if the contribution of excited states are included in the state densities of the former, is implemented. Since this treatment requires the application of the Statistical Multifragmentation Model repeatedly on the hot fragments until they have decayed to their ground states, it becomes extremely computational demanding, making its application to the systems of interest extremely difficult. Based on exact recursion formulae previously developed by Chase and Mekjian to calculate the statistical weights very efficiently, we present an implementation which is efficient enough to allow it to be applied to large systems at high excitation energies. Comparison with the GEMINI++ sequential decay code shows that the predictions obtained with our treatment are fairly similar to those obtained with this more traditional model.
