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Impulsive and Long Duration High-Energy Gamma-ray Emission From the Very Bright 2012 March 7 Solar Flares

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 Added by Nicola Omodei
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) observed two bright X-class solar flares on 2012 March 7, and detected gamma-rays up to 4 GeV. We detected gamma-rays both during the impulsive and temporally-extended emission phases, with emission above 100 MeV lasting for approximately 20 hours. Accurate localization of the gamma-ray production site(s) coincide with the solar active region from which X-ray emissions associated with these flares originated. Our analysis of the >100 MeV gamma-ray emission shows a relatively rapid monotonic decrease in flux during the first hour of the impulsive phase, and a much slower, almost monotonic decrease in flux for the next 20 hours. The spectra can be adequately described by a power law with a high energy exponential cutoff, or as resulting from the decay of neutral pions produced by accelerated protons and ions with an isotropic power-law energy distribution. The required proton spectrum has a number index ~3, with minor variations during the impulsive phase, while during the temporally extended phase the spectrum softens monotonically, starting with index ~4. The >30 MeV proton flux and spectra observed near the Earth by the GOES satellites also show a monotonic flux decrease and spectral softening during the extended phase, but with a harder spectrum, with index ~3. Based on the Fermi-LAT and GOES observations of the flux and spectral evolution of these bright flares, we explore the relative merits of prompt and continuous acceleration scenarios, hadronic and leptonic emission processes, and acceleration at the solar corona by the fast Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) as explanations for the observations. We conclude that the most likely scenario is continuous acceleration of protons in the solar corona which penetrate the lower solar atmosphere and produce pions that decay into gamma-rays.

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Little is known about the origin of the high-energy and sustained emission from solar Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Flares (LDGRFs), identified with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO), the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM), and now Fermi. Though Fermi/Large Area Space Telescope (LAT) has identified dozens of flares with LDGRF signature, the nature of this phenomenon has been a challenge to explain both due to the extreme energies and long durations. The highest-energy emission has generally been attributed to pion production from the interaction of >300 MeV protons with the ambient matter. The extended duration suggests that particle acceleration occurs over large volumes extending high in the corona, either from stochastic acceleration within large coronal loops or from back precipitation from coronal mass ejection driven shocks. It is possible to test these models by making direct comparison between the properties of the accelerated ion population producing the gamma-ray emission derived from the Fermi/LAT observations, and the characteristics of solar energetic particles (SEPs) measured by the Payload for Matter-Antimatter Exploration and Light Nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA) spacecraft in the energy range corresponding to the pion-related emission detected with Fermi. For fourteen of these events we compare the two populations -- SEPs in space and the interacting particles at the Sun -- and discuss the implications in terms of potential sources. Our analysis shows that the two proton numbers are poorly correlated, with their ratio spanning more than five orders of magnitude, suggesting that the back precipitation of shock-acceleration particles is unlikely the source of the LDGRF emission.
In March 2013, a flaring episode from the Crab Nebula lasting ~2 weeks was detected by the Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope). VERITAS provides simultaneous observations throughout this period. During the flare, the Fermi-LAT detected a 20-fold increase in flux above the average synchrotron flux >100 MeV seen from the Crab Nebula. Simultaneous measurements with VERITAS are consistent with the non-variable long-term average Crab Nebula flux at TeV energies. Assuming a linear correlation between the very-high-energy flux change >1 TeV and the flux change seen in the Fermi-LAT band >100 MeV during the period of simultaneous observations, the linear correlation factor can be constrained to be at most 8.6 * 10^-3 with 95% confidence.
266 - A.A. Abdo , B.T. Allen , D. Berley 2007
Recent rapid localizations of short, hard gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) by the Swift and HETE satellites have led to the observation of the first afterglows and the measurement of the first redshifts from this type of burst. Detection of >100 GeV counterparts would place powerful constraints on GRB mechanisms. Seventeen short duration (< 5 s) GRBs detected by satellites occurred within the field of view of the Milagro gamma-ray observatory between 2000 January and 2006 December. We have searched the Milagro data for >100 GeV counterparts to these GRBs and find no significant emission correlated with these bursts. Due to the absorption of high-energy gamma rays by the extragalactic background light (EBL), detections are only expected for redshifts less than ~0.5. While most long duration GRBs occur at redshifts higher than 0.5, the opposite is thought to be true of short GRBs. Lack of a detected VHE signal thus allows setting meaningful fluence limits. One GRB in the sample (050509b) has a likely association with a galaxy at a redshift of 0.225, while another (051103) has been tentatively linked to the nearby galaxy M81. Fluence limits are corrected for EBL absorption, either using the known measured redshift, or computing the corresponding absorption for a redshift of 0.1 and 0.5, as well as for the case of z=0.
Magnetar wind nebulae (MWNe), created by new-born millisecond magnetars, and magnetar giant flares are PeVatron candidates and even potential sources of ultra high energy ($E>10^{18} textrm{ eV}$) cosmic rays (UHECRs). Nonthermal high-energy (HE, $E>100 textrm{ MeV}$) and very high-energy (VHE, $E>100 textrm{ GeV}$) $gamma$-ray emission from magnetars neighbourhoods should be a promising signature of acceleration processes. We investigate a possibility of explaining HE and VHE $gamma$-ray emission from the vicinity of the magnetar SGR 1900+14 by cosmic rays accelerated in a Supernova remnant of a magnetar-related Supernova and/or in a MWN. Simulation of the observed HE (the extended Fermi-LAT source 4FGL J1908.6+0915e) and VHE (the extended H.E.S.S. source candidate HOTS J1907+091 and the point-like HAWC TeV source 3HWC J1907+085) $gamma$-ray emission, spatially coincident with the magnetar SGR 1900+14, was carried out in the framework of hadronic (pp collisions with a subsequent pion decay) and leptonic (inverse Compton scattering of low energy background photons by ultrarelativistic electrons) models. We show that under reasonable assumptions about parameters of the circumstellar medium the observed $gamma$-ray emission of Fermi-LAT 4FGL J1908.6+0915e, H.E.S.S. HOTSJ1907+091 and 3HWC J1907+085 sources may be explained or at least considerably contributed by a (still undetected) magnetar-connected Hypernova remnant and/or a MWN created by new-born millisecond magnetar with a large reserve of rotational energy $E_{rot}sim 10^{52}textrm{ erg}$.
Very high-energy (VHE, E,$>$,100,GeV) $gamma$-ray data are a valuable input for multi-wavelength and multi-messenger (e.g. combination with neutrino data) studies. We aim at the conservation and homogenization of historical, current, and future {VHE $gamma$-ray-data} on active galactic nuclei (AGN). We have collected lightcurve data taken by major VHE experiments since 1991 and combined them into long-term lightcurves for several AGN, and now provide our collected datasets for further use. Due to the lack of common data formats in VHE $gamma$-ray astronomy, we have defined relevant datafields to be stored in standard data formats. The time variability of the combined VHE lightcurve data was investigated, and correlation with archival X-ray data collected by {{em RXTE}/ASM} tested. The combination of data on the prominent blazar Mrk,421 from different experiments yields a lightcurve spanning more than a decade. From this combined dataset we derive an integral baseline flux from Mrk,421 that must be lower than 33,% of the Crab Nebula flux above 1,TeV. The analysis of the time variability yields log-normal flux variations in the VHE-data on Mrk,421. Existing VHE data contain valuable information concerning the variability of AGN and can be an important ingredient for multi-wavelength or multi-messenger studies. In the future, upcoming and planned experiments will provide more data from many transient objects, and the interaction of VHE astronomy with classical astronomy will intensify. In this context a unified and exchangeable data format will become increasingly important. Our data collection is available at the url: {tt {}}.
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