Ferroelectric nanodomains in epitaxial PbTiO3 films grown on SmScO3 and TbScO3 substrates

Abstract in English

Domain structures of 320 nm thin epitaxial films of ferroelectric PbTiO3 grown by MOCVD technique in identical conditions on SmScO3 and TbScO3 perovskite sub- strates have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy and piezoresponse force microscopy techniques. Phonon frequency shifts and typical domain structure motifs are discussed. The results reveal strikingly different domain structure architecture: domain structures of the PbTiO3 film grown on SmScO3 have dominantly a-domain orientation while strongly preferential c-domain orientation was found in the PbTiO3 film grown on the TbScO3 substrate. Differences between the two cases are traced back to the film-substrate lattice mismatch at the deposition temperature.
