We report the effect of silver addition on superconducting performance of bulk YBCO (YBa2Cu3O7) superconductor. All the studied samples are prepared by conventional solid-state reaction method. Rietveld fitted X-ray diffraction data confirmed the single phase formation for all the studied samples. Detailed AC susceptibility measurements as a function of driven AC amplitude (1Oe-17Oe) of these samples revealed the enhancement of grains coupling with increasing Ag content in YBCO+Agx composite system. 10wt% Ag added YBCO superconductors exhibited the optimum inter granular coupling. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) observations indicate an increase in the grains connectivity in terms of narrow grain boundaries for doped samples. The average grain size is found to increase with Ag doping. It is concluded that limited addition of Ag in bulk YBCO superconductor significantly improves the grains coupling and as result optimum superconducting performance. YBCO+Ag composites could prove to be potential candidates for bulk superconducting applications of the studied high Tc system.