On the relative distance of Magellanic Clouds using Cepheid NlR and Optical-NIR PW relations

Abstract in English

We present new estimates of the relative distance of the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) by using NIR and Optical-NIR Cepheid Period Wesenheit (PW) relations. The relative distances are independent of uncertainties affecting the zero-point of the PW relations, but do depend on the adopted pivot periods. We estimated the pivot periods for fundamental (FU) and first overtone (FO) Cepheids on the basis of their period distributions. We found that log P=0.5 (FU) and log P=0.3 (FO) are solid choices, since they trace a main peak and a shoulder in LMC and SMC period distributions. By using the above pivot periods and ten PW relations, we found MC relative distances of 0.53$pm$0.06 (FU) and 0.53$pm$0.07 (FO) mag. Moreover, we investigated the possibility to use mixed-mode (FU/FO, FO/SO) Cepheids as distance indicators and we found that they follow quite well the PW relations defined by single mode MC Cepheids, with deviations typically smaller than 0.3{sigma}.
