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Parametric (quasi-Cherenkov) cooperative radiation produced by electron bunches in natural or photonic crystals

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 Added by Sergei Anishchenko
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We use numerical modeling to study the features of parametric (quasi-Cherenkov) cooperative radiation arising when an electron bunch passes through a crystal (natural or artificial) under the conditions of dynamical diffraction of electromagnetic waves in the presence of shot noise. It is shown that in both Laue and Bragg diffraction cases, parametric radiation consists of two strong pulses: one emitted at small angles with respect to the particle velocity direction and the other emitted at large angles to it. Under Bragg diffraction conditions, the intensity of parametric radiation emitted at small angles to the particle velocity direction reaches saturation at sufficiently smaller number of particles than the intensity of parametric radiation emitted at large angles. Under Laue diffraction conditions, every pulse contains two strong peaks, which are associated with the emission of electromagnetic waves at the front and back ends of the bunch. The presence of noise causes a chaotic signal in the interval between the two peaks.

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Numerous applications of M{o}ssbauer spectroscopy are related to a unique resolution of absorption spectra of resonant radiation in crystals, when the nucleus absorbs a photon without a recoil. However, the narrow nuclear linewidth renders efficient driving of the nuclei challenging, restricting precision spectroscopy, nuclear inelastic scattering and nuclear quantum optics. Moreover, the need for dedicated X-ray optics restricts access to only few isotopes, impeding precision spectroscopy of a wider class of systems. Here, we put forward a novel M{o}ssbauer source, which offers a high resonant photon flux for a large variety of Mossbauer isotopes, based on relativistic electrons moving through a crystal and emitting parametric Mossbauer radiation essentially unattenuated by electronic absorption. As a result, a collimated beam of resonant photons is formed, without the need for additional monochromatization. We envision the extension of high-precision M{o}ssbauer spectroscopy to a wide range of isotopes at accelerator facilities using dumped electron beams.
In this Letter, we present a study of the confinement properties of point-defect resonators in finite-size photonic-bandgap structures composed of aperiodic arrangements of dielectric rods, with special emphasis on their use for the design of cavities for particle accelerators. Specifically, for representative geometries, we study the properties of the fundamental mode (as a function of the filling fraction, structure size, and losses) via 2-D and 3-D full-wave numerical simulations, as well as microwave measurements at room temperature. Results indicate that, for reduced-size structures, aperiodic geometries exhibit superior confinement properties by comparison with periodic ones.
We develop a general model of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) impedance with shielding provided by two parallel conducting plates. This model allows us to easily reproduce all previously known analytical CSR wakes and to expand the analysis to the situations not explored before. It reduces calculations of the impedance to taking integrals along the trajectory of the beam. New analytical results are derived for the radiation impedance with shielding for the following orbits: a kink, a bending magnet, a wiggler of finite length, and an infinitely long wiggler. All our formulas are benchmarked agains numerical simulations with the CSRZ computer code.
The generation of relativistic attosecond electron bunches is observed in three-dimensional, relativistic particle-in-cell simulations of the interaction of intense laser light with droplets. The electron bunches are emitted under certain angles which depend on the ratios of droplet radius to wavelength and plasma frequency to laser frequency. The mechanism behind the multi-MeV attosecond electron bunch generation is investigated using Mie theory. It is shown that the angular distribution and the high electron energies are due to a parameter-sensitive, time-dependent local field enhancement at the droplet surface.
We propose a new type of axisymmetric dielectric target which effectively concentrates Cherenkov radiation (CR) generated in the bulk of the material into a small vicinity of focus point. It can be called the axicon-based concentrator for CR. A theoretical investigation of radiation field produced by a charge moving through the discussed radiator is performed for the general case where a charge trajectory is shifted with respect to the structure axis. The idea of dielectric target with specific profile of the outer surface was presented and developed in our preceeding papers. However, contrary to the previous configuration of such a target (which was investigated for both centered and shifted charge trajectory), the current version allows efficient concentration of CR energy from relativistic particles, making this device extremely prospective for various applications.
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