Protecting dissipative quantum state preparation via dynamical decoupling

Abstract in English

We show that dissipative quantum state preparation processes can be protected against qubit dephasing by interlacing the state preparation control with dynamical decoupling (DD) control consisting of a sequence of short $pi$-pulses. The inhomogeneous broadening can be suppressed to second order of the pulse interval, and the protection efficiency is nearly independent of the pulse sequence but determined by the average interval between pulses. The DD protection is numerically tested and found to be efficient against inhomogeneous dephasing on two exemplary dissipative state preparation schemes that use collective pumping to realize many-body singlets and linear cluster states respectively. Numerical simulation also shows that the state preparation can be efficiently protected by $pi$-pulses with completely random arrival time. Our results make possible the application of these state preparation schemes in inhomogeneously broadened systems. DD protection of state preparation against dynamical noises is also discussed using the example of Gaussian noise with a semiclasscial description.
