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Kaon-nuclei interaction studies at low energies (the AMADEUS project)

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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The AMADEUS experiment aims to perform dedicated precision studies in the sector of low-energy kaon-nuclei interaction at the DAPhi NE collider at LNF-INFN. In particular the experiment plans to perform measurements of the debated deeply bound kaonic nuclear states (by stopping kaons in cryogenic gaseous targets 3He and 4He) to explore the nature of the Lambda(1405) in nuclear environment and to measure the cross section of K- on light nuclei, for K- momentum lower than 100 MeV/c. The AMADEUS dedicated setup will be installed in the central region of the KLOE detector.

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The low-energy strong interaction of antikaons (K-) with nuclei has many facets and rep- resents a lively and challenging research field. It is interconnected to the peculiar role of strangeness, since the strange quark is rather light, but still much heavier than the up and down quarks. Thus, when strangeness is involved one has to deal with spontaneous and explicit symmetry breaking in QCD. It is well known that the antikaon interaction with nucleons is attractive, but how strong ? Is the interaction strong enough to bind nucleons to form kaonic nuclei and, if so, what are the properties (binding energy, decay width)? There are controversial indications for such bound states and new results are expected to come soon. The existence of antikaon mediated bound states might have important consequences since it would open the possibility for the formation of cold baryonic matter of high density which might have a severe impact in astrophysics for the understanding of the composi- tion of compact (neutron) stars. New experimental opportunities could be provided by the AMADEUS experiment at the DA?NE electron-positron collider at LNF-INFN (Frascati, Italy). Pre-AMADEUS studies on the antikaon interaction with nuclei are carried out by analysis of data collected by KLOE in till 2005 and in special data runs using a carbon target insert. Studies for the dedicated AMADEUS detector setup taking advantage of the low-energy antikaons from Phi-meson decay delivered by DAFNE are in progress. Some re- sults obtained so far and the perspectives of the AMADEUS experiment are presented and discussed.
223 - Catalina Curceanu 2007
The change of the hadron masses and hadron interactions in the nuclear medium and the structure of cold dense hadronic matter are hot topics of hadron physics today. These important, yet unsolved, problems will be the research field of AMADEUS (Antikaonic Matter At DAFNE: Experiments with Unraveling Spectroscopy) - new experiment proposal at DAFNE accelerator at LNF-INFN. AMADEUS will search for antikaon-mediated deeply bound nuclear states produced in helium by stopping K- from DAFNE, both in the formation and in the decay processes.
401 - A. Scordo , M. Bazzi , G. Bellotti 2015
The AMADEUS experiment deals with the investigation of the low-energy kaon-nuclei hadronic interaction at the DA{Phi}NE collider at LNF-INFN, which is fundamental to respond longstanding questions in the non-perturbative QCD strangeness sector. The antikaon-nucleon potential is investigated searching for signals from possible bound kaonic clusters, which would open the possibility for the formation of cold dense baryonic matter. The confirmation of this scenario may imply a fundamental role of strangeness in astrophysics. AMADEUS step 0 consisted in the reanalysis of 2004/2005 KLOE dataset, exploiting K- absorptions in H, 4He, 9Be and 12C in the setup materials. In this paper, together with a review on the multi-nucleon K- absorption and the particle identification procedure, the first results on the {Sigma}0-p channel will be presented including a statistical analysis on the possible accomodation of a deeply bound state
The AMADEUS experiment aims to perform precision studies in the sector of low-energy kaon-nuclei interaction at the DAPhi NE collider at LNF-INFN, implementing a dedicated setup in the central region of the KLOE detector. As a first step towards the AMADEUS realization the existing KLOE data (runs from 2002 to 2005) were analysed using the detector itself as an active target. K^- nuclear interactions in the gas filling the KLOE drift chamber (Helium 90% and Isobutane 10%) and the drift chamber entrance wall (mainly Carbon) were explored. Starting point was the reconstruction of the Lambda(1116) trough its decay into a proton and a pion (BR = 63.9 pm 0.5%). Taking advantage of the good performances of the KLOE calorimeter in detecting photons we then focused on the investigation of the Lambda(1405), through its decay into Sigma^0pi^0. The details of the Sigma^0 pi^0 analysis and preliminary results are presented.
The aim of AMADEUS is to provide unprecedented experimental information on K$^-$ absorption in light nuclear targets, to face major open problems in hadron nuclear physics in the strangeness sector, namely the nature of the $Lambda$(1405), strongly related to the possible existence of kaonic nuclear clusters, kaons and hyperon scattering cross sections on nucleons and nuclei. These issues are fundamental for a better understanding of the non-perturbative QCD in the strangeness sector. AMADEUS step 0 deals with the analysis of the 2004-2005 KLOE collected data. The interactions of the negative kaons produced by the DA$Phi$NE collider (a unique source of monochromatic low-momentum kaons) with the materials of the KLOE detector, used as active targets, provide samples of K$^-$ absorptions on H, ${}^4$He, ${}^{9}$Be and ${}^{12}$C, both at-rest and in-flight. A second step deals with the data from the implementation in the central region of the KLOE detector of a pure graphite target, providing a high statistic sample of K$^- , {}^{12}$C nuclear captures at rest. For the future a new setup, with various dedicated gaseous and solid targets, is under preparation.
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