Low-threshold whispering-gallery-mode microlasers fabricated in a Nd: glass substrate by three-dimensional femtosecond laser micromachining

Abstract in English

We report on fabrication of whispering-gallery-mode microlasers in a Nd:glass chip by femtosecond laser three-dimensional (3D) micromachining. Main fabrication procedures include the fabrication of freestanding microdisks supported by thin pillars by femtosecond laser ablation of the glass substrate immersed in water, followed by CO2 laser annealing for surface smoothing. Lasing is observed at a pump threshold as low as ~69 {mu}W at room temperature with a continuous-wave laser diode operating at 780nm. This technique allows for fabrication of microcavities of high quality factors in various dielectric materials such as glasses and crystals.
