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We investigate the three-body Coulomb breakup of a two-neutron halo nucleus $^{11}$Li. We use the coupled-channel $^9$Li + $n$ + $n$ three-body model, which includes the coupling between last neutron states and the various $2p$-$2h$ configurations in $^9$Li due to the tensor and pairing correlations. The three-body scattering states of $^{11}$Li are described by using the combined methods of the complex scaling and the Lippmann-Schwinger equation. The calculated breakup cross section successfully reproduces the experiments. The large mixing of the s-state in the halo ground state of $^{11}$Li is shown to play an important role in explanation of shape and strength of the breakup cross section. In addition, we predict the invariant mass spectra for binary subsystems of $^{11}$Li. It is found that the two kinds of virtual s-states of $^9$Li-$n$ and $n$-$n$ systems in the final three-body states of $^{11}$Li largely contribute to make low-lying peaks in the invariant mass spectra. On the other hand, in the present analysis, it is suggested that the contributions of the p-wave resonances of $^{10}$Li is hardly confirmed in the spectra.
The $^8$Li($n,gamma$)$^9$Li reaction plays an important role in several astrophysics scenarios. It cannot be measured directly and indirect experiments have so far provided only cross section limits. Theoretical predictions differ by an order of magnitude. In this work we study the properties of $^9$Li bound states and low-lying resonances and calculate the $^8$Li($n,gamma$)$^9$Li cross section within the no-core shell model with continuum (NCSMC) with chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions as the only input. The NCSMC is an ab initio method applicable to light nuclei that provides a unified description of bound and scattering states well suited to calculate low-energy nuclear scattering and reactions. Our calculations reproduce the experimentally known bound states as well as the lowest $5/2^-$ resonance of $^9$Li. We predict a $3/2^-$ spin-parity assignment for the resonance observed at 5.38 MeV. In addition to the a very narrow $7/2^-$ resonance corresponding presumably to the experimental 6.43 MeV state, we find several other broad low-lying resonances. Our calculated $^8$Li($n,gamma$)$^9$Li cross section is within the limits derived from the 1998 National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Coulomb-dissociation experiment [Phys. Rev. C {bf 57}, 959 (1998)]. However, it is higher than cross sections obtained in recent phenomenological studies. It is dominated by a direct E1 capture to the ground state with a resonant contribution at $sim0.2$ MeV due to E2/M1 radiation enhanced by the $5/2^-$ resonance.
The $^9$C nucleus and related capture reaction, ${^8mathrm{B}}(p,gamma){^9mathrm{C}}$, have been intensively studied with an astrophysical interest. Due to the weakly-bound nature of $^9$C, its structure is likely to be described as the three-body (${^7mathrm{Be}}+p+p$). Its continuum structure is also important to describe reaction processes of $^9$C, with which the reaction rate of the ${^8mathrm{B}}(p,gamma){^9mathrm{C}}$ process have been extracted indirectly. We perform three-body calculations on $^9$C and discuss properties of its ground and low-lying states via breakup reactions. We employ the three-body model of $^9$C using the Gaussian-expansion method combined with the complex-scaling method. This model is implemented in the four-body version of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method, by which breakup reactions of $^9$C are studied. The intrinsic spin of $^7$Be is disregarded. By tuning a three-body interaction in the Hamiltonian of $^9$C, we obtain the low-lying $2^+$ state with the resonant energy 0.781 MeV and the decay width 0.137 MeV, which is consistent with the available experimental information and a relatively high-lying second $2^+$ wider resonant state. Our calculation predicts also sole $0^+$ and three $1^-$ resonant states. We discuss the role of these resonances in the elastic breakup cross section of $^9$C on $^{208}$Pb at 65 and 160 MeV/A. The low-lying 2$^+$ state is probed as a sharp peak of the breakup cross section, while the 1$^-$ states enhance the cross section around 3 MeV. Our calculations will further support the future and ongoing experimental campaigns for extracting astrophysical information and evaluating the two-proton removal cross-sections.
A many-body calculation of $^{11}$Li is presented where the only input is the well-tested, finite-range {it D1S} effective interaction of {it Gogny}. Pairing correlations are included in a constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov calculation, while long-range collective correlations are introduced using a GCM derived calculation. Correlations are found to play an important role in describing $^{11}$Li. A substantive underlying $^9$Li core of $^{11}$Li is found, which has a different density profile than a free $^9$Li nucleus. This may have significant implications in the use of a three-body framework in studies of $^{11}$Li.
Coulomb breakup strengths of 11Li into a three-body 9Li+n+n system are studied in the complex scaling method. We decompose the transition strengths into the contributions from three-body resonances, two-body ``10Li+n and three-body ``9Li+n+n continuum states. In the calculated results, we cannot find the dipole resonances with a sharp decay width in 11Li. There is a low energy enhancement in the breakup strength, which is produced by both the two- and three-body continuum states. The enhancement given by the three-body continuum states is found to have a strong connection to the halo structure of 11Li. The calculated breakup strength distribution is compared with the experimental data from MSU, RIKEN and GSI.
We discuss the binding mechanism of 11Li based on an extended three-body model of Li+n+n. In the model, we take into account the pairing correlation of p-shell neutrons in 9Li, in addition to that of valence neutrons outside the 9Li nucleus, and solve the coupled-channel two- and three-body problems of 10Li and 11Li, respectively. The results show that degrees of freedom of the pairing correlation in 9Li play an important role in the structure of 10Li and 11Li. In 10Li, the pairing correlation in 9Li produces a so-called pairing-blocking effect due to the presence of valence neutron, which degenerates s- and p-wave neutron orbits energetically. In 11Li, on the other hand, the pairing-blocking effect is surpassed by the core-n interaction due to two degrees of freedom of two valence neutrons surrounding 9Li, and as a result, the ground state is dominated by the p-shell closed configuration and does not show a spatial extension with a large r.m.s. radius. These results indicate that the pairing correlation is realized differently in odd- and even-neutron systems of 10Li and 11Li. We further improve the tail part of the 9Li-n interaction, which works well to reproduce the observed large r.m.s. radius in 11Li.