Cooper Pair Insulator phase induced in amorphous Pb$_0.9$Bi$_0.1$ thin films

Abstract in English

A Cooper pair insulator (CPI) phase emerges near the superconductor-insulator transitions of a number of strongly-disordered thin film systems. Much recent study has focused on a mechanism driving the underlying Cooper pair localization. We present data showing that a CPI phase develops in amorphous Pb$_{0.9}$Bi$_{0.1}$ films deposited onto nano-porous anodized aluminum oxide surfaces just as it has been shown to develop for a-Bi films. This result confirms the assertion that the CPI phase emerges due to the structure of the substrate. It supports the picture that nanoscale film thickness variations induced by the substrate drive the localization. Moreover, it implies that the CPI phase can be induced in any superconducting material that can be deposited onto this surface.
