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The wind of the M-type AGB star RT Virginis probed by VLTI/MIDI

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 Added by Stephane Sacuto
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study the circumstellar environment of the M-type AGB star RT Vir using mid-infrared high spatial resolution observations from the ESO-VLTI focal instrument MIDI. The aim of this study is to provide observational constraints on theoretical prediction that the winds of M-type AGB objects can be driven by photon scattering on iron-free silicate grains located in the close environment (about 2 to 3 stellar radii) of the star. We interpreted spectro-interferometric data, first using wavelength-dependent geometric models. We then used a self-consistent dynamic model atmosphere containing a time-dependent description of grain growth for pure forsterite dust particles to reproduce the photometric, spectrometric, and interferometric measurements of RT Vir. Since the hydrodynamic computation needs stellar parameters as input, a considerable effort was first made to determine these parameters. MIDI differential phases reveal the presence of an asymmetry in the stellar vicinity. Results from the geometrical modeling give us clues to the presence of aluminum and silicate dust in the close circumstellar environment (< ~5 stellar radii). Comparison between spectro-interferometric data and a self-consistent dust-driven wind model reveals that silicate dust has to be present in the region between 2 to 3 stellar radii to reproduce the 59 and 63 m baseline visibility measurements around 9.8 micron. This gives additional observational evidence in favor of winds driven by photon scattering on iron-free silicate grains located in the close vicinity of an M-type star. However, other sources of opacity are clearly missing to reproduce the 10-13 micron visibility measurements for all baselines. This study is a first attempt to understand the wind mechanism of M-type AGB stars by comparing photometric, spectrometric, and interferometric measurements with state-of-the-art, self-consistent dust-driven wind models. The agreement of the dynamic model atmosphere with interferometric measurements in the 8-10 micron spectral region gives additional observational evidence that the winds of M-type stars can be driven by photon scattering on iron-free silicate grains. Finally, a larger statistical study and progress in advanced self-consistent 3D modeling are still required to solve the remaining problems.

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We present a mid-IR interferometric survey of the circumstellar environment of a specific class of post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) binaries. For this class the presence of a compact dusty disk has been postulated on the basis of various spatially unresolved measurements. Our interferometric survey was performed with the MIDI instrument on the VLTI. In total 19 different systems were observed using variable baseline configurations. Combining all the visibilities at a single wavelength at 10.7 micron, we fitted two parametric models to the data: a uniform disk (UD) and a ring model mimicking a temperature gradient. We compared our observables of the whole sample, with synthetic data computed from a grid of radiative transfer models of passively irradiated disks in hydrostatic equilibrium. These models are computed with a Monte Carlo code that has been widely applied to describe the structure of protoplanetary disks around young stellar objects (YSO). The spatially resolved observations show that the majority of our targets cluster closely together in the distance-independent size-colour diagram, and have extremely compact N-band emission regions. The typical uniform disk diameter of the N-band emission region is about 40 mass which corresponds to a typical brightness temperature of 400-600~K. The resolved objects display very similar characteristics in the interferometric observables and in the spectral energy distributions. Therefore, the physical properties of the disks around our targets must be similar. The grid of protoplanetary disk models covers very well the observed objects. Much like for young stars, the spatially resolved N-band emission region is determined by the hot inner rim of the disk. Continued comparisons between post-AGB and protoplanetary disks will help to understand grain growth and disk evolution processes,
We present an overview on our project to study the extended atmospheres and dust formation zones of Mira stars using coordinated observations with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), and the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX). The data are interpreted using an approach of combining recent dynamic model atmospheres with a radiative transfer model of the dust shell, and combining the resulting model structure with a maser propagation model.
Context. The Mass loss of Evolved StarS (MESS) sample observed with PACS on board the Herschel Space Observatory revealed that several asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are surrounded by an asymmetric circumstellar envelope (CSE) whose morphology is most likely caused by the interaction with a stellar companion. The evolution of AGB stars in binary systems plays a crucial role in understanding the formation of asymmetries in planetary nebul{ae} (PNe), but at present, only a handful of cases are known where the interaction of a companion with the stellar AGB wind is observed. Aims. We probe the environment of the very evolved AGB star $pi^1$ Gruis on large and small scales to identify the triggers of the observed asymmetries. Methods. Observations made with Herschel/PACS at 70 $mu$m and 160 $mu$m picture the large-scale environment of $pi^1$ Gru. The close surroundings of the star are probed by interferometric observations from the VLTI/AMBER archive. An analysis of the proper motion data of Hipparcos and Tycho-2 together with the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data help identify the possible cause for the observed asymmetry. Results. The Herschel/PACS images of $pi^1$ Gru show an elliptical CSE whose properties agree with those derived from a CO map published in the literature. In addition, an arc east of the star is visible at a distance of $38^{primeprime}$ from the primary. This arc is most likely part of an Archimedean spiral caused by an already known G0V companion that is orbiting the primary at a projected distance of 460 au with a period of more than 6200 yr. However, the presence of the elliptical CSE, proper motion variations, and geometric modelling of the VLTI/AMBER observations point towards a third component in the system, with an orbital period shorter than 10 yr, orbiting much closer to the primary than the G0V star.
Among Wolf-Rayet stars, those of subtype WN8 are the intrinsically most variable. We have explored the long-term photometric variability of the brightest known WN8 star, WR 40, through four contiguous months of time-resolved, single-passband optical photometry with the BRIght Target Explorer (BRITE) nanosatellite mission. The Fourier transform of the observed light-curve reveals that the strong light variability exhibited by WR 40 is dominated by many randomly-triggered, transient, low-frequency signals. We establish a model in which the whole wind consists of stochastic clumps following an outflow visibility promptly rising to peak brightness upon clump emergence from the optically thick pseudo-photosphere in the wind, followed by a gradual decay according to the right-half of a Gaussian. Free electrons in each clump scatter continuum light from the star. We explore a scenario where the clump size follows a power-law distribution, and another one with an ensemble of clumps of constant size. Both scenarios yield simulated light curves morphologically resembling the observed light curve remarkably well, indicating that one cannot uniquely constrain the details of clump size distribution with only a photometric light curve. Nevertheless, independent evidence favours a negative-index power law, as seen in many other astrophysical turbulent media.
In order to put MIDI/VLTI observations of AGNs on a significant statistical basis, the number of objects had to be increased dramatically from the few prominent bright cases to over 20. For this, correlated fluxes as faint as ~ 150 mJy need to be observed, calibrated and their errors be estimated reliably. We have developed new data reduction methods for the coherent estimation of correlated fluxes with the Expert Work Station (EWS). They increase the signal/noise of the reduced correlated fluxes by decreasing the jitter in the group delay estimation. While correlation losses cannot be fully avoided for the weakest objects even with the improved routines, we have developed a method to simulate observations of weak targets and can now detect --- and correct for --- such losses. We have analyzed all sources of error that are relevant for the observations of weak targets. Apart from the photon-noise error, that is usually quoted, there is an additional error from the uncertainty in the calibration (i.e. the conversion factor). With the improved data reduction, calibration and error estimation, we can consistently and reproducibly observe fluxes as weak as ~ 150 mJy with an uncertainty of ~ 15 % under average conditions.
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