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We calculate the structure of neutron star interiors comprising both the hadronic and the quark phases. For the hadronic sector we employ a microscopic equation of state involving nucleons and hyperons derived within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock many-body theory with realistic two-body and three-body forces. For the description of quark matter, we use several different models, e.g. the MIT bag, the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL), the Color Dielectric (CDM), the Field Correlator method (FCM), and one based on the Dyson-Schwinger model (DSM). We find that a two solar mass hybrid star is possible only if the nucleonic EOS is stiff enough.
The detection of the GW170817 neutron star merger event has incited an intense research activity towards the understanding of the nuclear matter equation of state. In this paper we compare in particular the pressure-density relation obtained from heavy-ion collisions with the analysis of the NS merger event. Moreover, we present recent calculations of neutron stars moment of inertia and tidal deformability using various microscopic equations of state for nuclear and hybrid star configurations, and confirm several universal relations. We also discuss the recent constraints for the NS radii determined by GW170817, and find compatible radii between 12 and 13 kilometers, thus identifying the suitable equations of state.
Taking into account the terrestrial experiments and the recent astrophysical observations of neutron stars and gravitational-wave signals, we impose restrictions on the equation of state (EoS) for isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter. Using the relativistic mean-field model with SU(3) flavor symmetry, we investigate the impacts of effective nucleon mass, nuclear incompressibility, and slope parameter of nuclear symmetry energy on the nuclear and neutron-star properties. It is found that the astrophysical information of massive neutron stars and tidal deformabilities as well as the nuclear experimental data plays an important role to restrict the EoS for neutron stars. Especially, the softness of the nuclear EoS due to the existence of hyperons in the core gives stringent constraints on those physical quantities. Furthermore, it is possible to put limits on the curvature parameter of nuclear symmetry energy by means of the nuclear and astrophysical calculations.
The half-skyrmions that appear in dense baryonic matter when skyrmions are put on crystals modify drastically hadron properties in dense medium and affect strongly the nuclear tensor forces, thereby influencing the equation of state (EoS) of dense nuclear and asymmetric nuclear matter. The matter comprised of half skyrmions has vanishing quark condensate but non-vanishing pion decay constant and could be interpreted as a hadronic dual of strong-coupled quark matter. We infer from this observation combined with certain predictions of hidden local symmetry in low-energy hadronic interactionsa a set of new scaling laws -- called new-BR -- for the parameters in nuclear effective field theory controlled by renormalization-group flow. They are subjected to the EoS of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter, and are then applied to nuclear symmetry energies and properties of compact stars. The changeover from the skyrmion matter to a half-skyrmion matter that takes place after the cross-over density $n_{1/2}$ provides a simple and natural field theoretic explanation for the change of the EoS from soft to stiff at a density above that of nuclear matter required for compact stars as massive as $sim 2.4M_odot$. Cross-over density in the range $1.5n_0 lsim n_{1/2} lsim 2.0 n_0$ has been employed, and the possible skyrmion half-skyrmion coexistence {or cross-over} near $n_{1/2}$ is discussed. The novel structure of {the tensor forces and} the EoS obtained with the new-BR scaling is relevant for neutron-rich nuclei and compact star matter and could be studied in RIB (rare isotope beam) machines.
We report a new equation of state (EoS) of cold and hot hyperonic matter constructed in the framework of the quark-meson-coupling (QMC-A) model. The QMC-A EoS yields results compatible with available nuclear physics constraints and astrophysical observations. It covers the range of temperatures from T=0 to 100 MeV, entropies per particle S/A between 0 and 6, lepton fractions from Y$_L$=0.0 to 0.6, and baryon number densities n$_B$=0.05-1.2 fm$^{-3}$. Applications of the QMC-A EoS are made to cold neutron stars (NS) and to hot proto-neutron stars (PNS) in two scenarios, (i) lepton rich matter with trapped neutrinos and (ii) deleptonized chemically equilibrated matter. We find that the QMC-A model predicts hyperons in amounts growing with increasing temperature and density, thus suggesting not only their presence in PNS but also, most likely, in NS merger remnants. The nucleon-hyperon phase transition is studied through the adiabatic index and the speed of sound c$_s$. It is shown that the lowering of (c$_s$/c)$^2$ to and below the conformal limit of 1/3 is a general consequence of instabilities due to any phase transition and is not a unique fingerprint of the hadron-quark matter transition. Rigid rotation of cold and hot stars, their moments of inertia and Kepler frequencies are also explored. The QMC-A model results are compared with two relativistic models, the chiral mean field model (CMF), and the generalized relativistic density functional with hyperons (GRDF-Y). Similarities and differences are discussed.
This is an introduction to the tabulated data base of stellar matter properties calculated within the framework of the Statistical Model for Supernova Matter (SMSM). The tables present thermodynamical characteristics and nuclear abundances for 31 values of baryon density (10$^{-8}<rho/rho_0<$0.32, $rho_0$=0.15 fm$^{-3}$ is the normal nuclear matter density), 35 values of temperature ($0.2<T<25$ MeV) and 28 values of electron-to-baryon ratio ($0.02<Y_e<0.56$). The properties of stellar matter in $beta$-equilibrium are also considered. The main ingredients of the SMSM are briefly outlined, and the data structure and content of the tables are explained.