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CSLs of the root lattice $mathbf{A_4}$

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 Added by Peter Zeiner
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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Recently, the group of coincidence isometries of the root lattice $A_4$ has been determined providing a classification of these isometries with respect to their coincidence indices. A more difficult task is the classification of all CSLs, since different coincidence isometries may generate the same CSL. In contrast to the typical examples in dimensions $d leq 3$, where coincidence isometries generating the same CSL can only differ by a symmetry operation, the situation is more involved in 4 dimensions. Here, we find coincidence isometries that are not related by a symmetry operation but nevertheless give rise to the same CSL. We indicate how the classification of CSLs can be obtained by making use of the icosian ring and provide explicit criteria for two isometries to generate the same CSL. Moreover, we determine the number of CSLs of a given index and encapsulate the result in a Dirichlet series generating function.

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We present results for the decay constants of the $D$ and $D_s$ mesons computed in lattice QCD with $N_f=2+1$ dynamical flavours. The simulations are based on RBC/UKQCDs domain wall ensembles with both physical and unphysical light-quark masses and lattice spacings in the range 0.11--0.07$,$fm. We employ the domain wall discretisation for all valence quarks. The results in the continuum limit are $f_D=208.7(2.8)_mathrm{stat}left(^{+2.1}_{-1.8}right)_mathrm{sys},mathrm{MeV}$ and $f_{D_{s}}=246.4(1.3)_mathrm{stat}left(^{+1.3}_{-1.9}right)_mathrm{sys},mathrm{MeV}$ and $f_{D_s}/f_D=1.1667(77)_mathrm{stat}left(^{+57}_{-43}right)_mathrm{sys}$. Using these results in a Standard Model analysis we compute the predictions $|V_{cd}|=0.2185(50)_mathrm{exp}left(^{+35}_{-37}right)_mathrm{lat}$ and $|V_{cs}|=1.011(16)_mathrm{exp}left(^{+4}_{-9}right)_mathrm{lat}$ for the CKM matrix elements.
Diversities are a generalization of metric spaces, where instead of the non-negative function being defined on pairs of points, it is defined on arbitrary finite sets of points. Diversities have a well-developed theory. This includes the concept of a diversity tight span that extends the metric tight span in a natural way. Here we explore the generalization of diversities to lattices. Instead of defining diversities on finite subsets of a set we consider diversities defined on members of an arbitrary lattice (with a 0). We show that many of the basic properties of diversities continue to hold. However, the natural map from a lattice diversity to its tight span is not a lattice homomorphism, preventing the development of a complete tight span theory as in the metric and diversity cases.
Four types of discrete transforms of Weyl orbit functions on the finite point sets are developed. The point sets are formed by intersections of the dual-root lattices with the fundamental domains of the affine Weyl groups. The finite sets of weights, labelling the orbit functions, obey symmetries of the dual extended affine Weyl groups. Fundamental domains of the dual extended affine Weyl groups are detailed in full generality. Identical cardinality of the point and weight sets is proved and explicit counting formulas for these cardinalities are derived. Discrete orthogonality of complex-valued Weyl and real-valued Hartley orbit functions over the point sets is established and the corresponding discrete Fourier-Weyl and Hartley-Weyl transforms are formulated.
We study Artin-Tits braid groups $mathbb{B}_W$ of type ADE via the action of $mathbb{B}_W$ on the homotopy category $mathcal{K}$ of graded projective zigzag modules (which categorifies the action of the Weyl group $W$ on the root lattice). Following Brav-Thomas, we define a metric on $mathbb{B}_W$ induced by the canonical $t$-structure on $mathcal{K}$, and prove that this metric on $mathbb{B}_W$ agrees with the word-length metric in the canonical generators of the standard positive monoid $mathbb{B}_W^+$ of the braid group. We also define, for each choice of a Coxeter element $c$ in $W$, a baric structure on $mathcal{K}$. We use these baric structures to define metrics on the braid group, and we identify these metrics with the word-length metrics in the Birman-Ko-Lee/Bessis dual generators of the associated dual positive monoid $mathbb{B}_{W.c}^vee$. As consequences, we give new proofs that the standard and dual positive monoids inject into the group, give linear-algebraic solutions to the membership problem in the standard and dual positive monoids, and provide new proofs of the faithfulness of the action of $mathbb{B}_W$ on $mathcal{K}$. Finally, we use the compatibility of the baric and $t$-structures on $mathcal{K}$ to prove a conjecture of Digne and Gobet regarding the canonical word-length of the dual simple generators of ADE braid groups.
We argue that in order to account for the muon anomalous magnetic moment $g-2$, dark matter and LHC data, non-universal gaugino masses $M_i$ at the high scale are required in the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We also need a right-handed smuon $tildemu_R$ with a mass around 100 GeV, evading LHC searches due to the proximity of a neutralino $tilde{chi}^0_1$ several GeV lighter which allows successful dark matter. We discuss such a scenario in the framework of an $SU(5)$ Grand Unified Theory (GUT) combined with $A_4$ family symmetry, where the three $overline{5}$ representations form a single triplet of $A_4$ with a unified soft mass $m_F$, while the three $10$ representations are singlets of $A_4$ with independent soft masses $m_{T1}, m_{T2}, m_{T3}$. Although $m_{T2}$ (and hence $tildemu_R$) may be light, the muon $g-2$ and relic density also requires light $M_1simeq 250$ GeV, which is incompatible with universal gaugino masses due to LHC constraints on $M_2$ and $M_3$ arising from gaugino searches. After showing that universal gaugino masses $M_{1/2}$ at the GUT scale are excluded by gluino searches, we provide a series of benchmarks which show that while $M_{1}= M_{2} ll M_3$ is also excluded by chargino searches, $M_{1}< M_{2} ll M_3$ is currently allowed. Even this scenario is almost excluded by the tension between the muon $g-2$, relic density, Dark Matter direct detection and LHC data. The surviving parameter space is characterised by a higgsino mass $mu approx -300$ GeV, as required by the muon $g-2$. The LHC will be able to fully test this scenario with the upgraded luminosity via muon-dominated tri- and di-lepton signatures resulting from higgsino dominated $tilde{chi}^pm_1 , tilde{chi}^0_2$ and $tilde{chi}^+_1 , tilde{chi}^-_1$ production.
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