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Solar differential rotation: hints to reproduce a near-surface shear layer in global simulations

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 Added by Gustavo Guerrero
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Convective turbulent motions in the solar interior, as well as the mean flows resulting from them, determine the evolution of the solar magnetic field. With the aim to get a better understanding of these flows we study anelastic rotating convection in a spherical shell whose stratification resembles that of the solar interior. This study is done through numerical simulations performed with the EULAG code. Due to the numerical formulation, these simulations are known as implicit large eddy simulations (ILES), since they intrinsically capture the contribution of, non-resolved, small scales at the same time maximizing the effective Reynolds number. We reproduce some previous results and find a transition between buoyancy and rotation dominated regimes which results in anti-solar or solar like rotation patterns. Even thought the rotation profiles are dominated by Taylor-Proudman columnar rotation, we are able to reproduce the tachocline and a low latitude near-surface shear layer. We find that simulations results depend on the grid resolution as a consequence of a different sub-grid scale contribution.

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The precise shape of the Sun is sensitive to the influence of gravity, differential rotation, local turbulence and magnetic fields. It has been previously shown that the solar shape exhibits asphericity that evolves with the 11-year cycle. Thanks to the capability of the SoHO/MDI and SDO/HMI instruments to observe with an unprecedented accuracy the surface gravity oscillation (f) modes, it is possible to extract information concerning the coefficients of rotational frequency splitting, a1, a3 and a5, that measure the differential rotation, together with the a2, a4 and a6 asphericity coefficients. Analysis of these helioseismology data for almost two solar cycles, from 1996 to 2017, reveals a close correlation of the a1 and a5 coefficients with the solar activity, whilst a3 exhibits a long-term trend and a weak correlation in the current cycle indicating a substantial change of the global rotation, potentially associated with a long-term evolution of the solar cycles. Looking in more details, the asphericity coefficients, a2, a4 and a6 are more strongly associated with the solar cycle when applying a time lag of respectively 0.1, 1.6 and -1.6 years. The magnitude of a6-coefficient varies in phase with the sunspot number (SN), but its amplitude is ahead of the SN variation. The last measurements made in mid 2017 indicate that the magnitude of a6-coefficient has probably reached its minimum; therefore, the next solar minimum can be expected by the end of 2018 or in the beginning of 2019. The so-called seismic radius in the range of f-mode angular degree: l=137-299 exhibits a temporal variability in anti-phase with the solar activity; its relative value decreased by 2.3E-05 in Solar Cycle 23 and 1.7E-05 in Cycle 24. Such results will be useful for better understanding the physical mechanisms which act inside the Sun, and so, better constrain dynamo models for forecasting the solar cycles.
To explore the physics of large-scale flows in solar-like stars, we perform 3D anelastic simulations of rotating convection for global models with stratification resembling the solar interior. The numerical method is based on an implicit large-eddy simulation approach designed to capture effects from non-resolved small scales. We obtain two regimes of differential rotation, with equatorial zonal flows accelerated either in the direction of rotation (solar-like) or in the opposite direction (anti-solar). While the models with the solar-like differential rotation tend to produce multiple cells of meridional circulation, the models with anti-solar differential rotation result in only one or two meridional cells. Our simulations indicate that the rotation and large-scale flow patterns critically depend on the ratio between buoyancy and Coriolis forces. By including a subadiabatic layer at the bottom of the domain, corresponding to the stratification of a radiative zone, we reproduce a layer of strong radial shear similar to the solar tachocline. Similarly, enhanced superadiabaticity at the top results in a near-surface shear layer located mainly at lower latitudes. The models reveal a latitudinal entropy gradient localized at the base of the convection zone and in the stable region, which however does not propagate across the convection zone. In consequence, baroclinicity effects remain small and the rotation iso-contours align in cylinders along the rotation axis. Our results confirm the alignment of large convective cells along the rotation axis in the deep convection zone, and suggest that such banana-cell pattern can be hidden beneath the supergranulation layer.
244 - K. J. Li , X. J. Shi , J. L. Xie 2013
Solar-cycle related variation of differential rotation is investigated through analyzing the rotation rates of magnetic fields, distributed along latitudes and varying with time at the time interval of August 1976 to April 2008. More pronounced differentiation of rotation rates is found to appear at the ascending part of a Schwabe cycle than at the descending part on an average. The coefficient $B$ in the standard form of differential rotation, which represents the latitudinal gradient of rotation, may be divided into three parts within a Schwabe cycle. Part one spans from the start to the $4^{th}$ year of a Schwabe cycle, within which the absolute $B$ is approximately a constant or slightly fluctuates. Part two spans from the $4^{th}$ to the $7^{th}$ year, within which the absolute $B$ decreases. Part three spans from the $7^{th}$ year to the end, within which the absolute $B$ increases. Strong magnetic fields repress differentiation of rotation rates, so that rotation rates show less pronounced differentiation, but weak magnetic fields seem to just reflect differentiation of rotation rates. The solar-cycle related variation of solar differential rotation is inferred to the result of both the latitudinal migration of the surface torsional pattern and the repression of strong magnetic activity to differentiation of rotation rates.
207 - K. J. Li , J. L. Xie , X. J. Shi 2013
The latitudinal distributions of the yearly mean rotation rates measured respectively by Suzuki in 1998 and 2012 and Pulkkinen $&$ Tuominen in 1998 are utilized to investigate internal-cycle variation of solar differential rotation. The rotation rate at the solar Equator seems to decrease since cycle 10 onwards. The coefficient $B$ of solar differential rotation, which represents the latitudinal gradient of rotation, is found smaller in the several years after the minimum of a solar cycle than in the several years after the maximum time of the cycle, and it peaks several years after the maximum time of the solar cycle. The internal-cycle variation of the solar rotation rates looks similar in profile to that of the coefficient $B$. A new explanation is proposed to address such a solar-cycle related variation of the solar rotation rates. Weak magnetic fields may more effectively reflect differentiation at low latitudes with high rotation rates than at high latitudes with low rotation rates, and strong magnetic fields may more effectively repress differentiation at relatively low latitudes than at high latitudes. The internal-cycle variation is inferred to the result of both the latitudinal migration of the surface torsional pattern and the repression of strong magnetic activity to differentiation.
Asteroseismology has undergone a profound transformation as a scientific field following the CoRoT and Kepler space missions. The latter is now yielding the first measurements of latitudinal differential rotation obtained directly from oscillation frequencies. Differential rotation is a fundamental mechanism of the stellar dynamo effect. Our goal is to measure the amount of differential rotation in the solar analogues 16 Cyg A and B, which are the components of a binary system. These stars are the brightest observed by Kepler and have therefore been extensively observed, with exquisite precision on their oscillation frequencies. We modelled the acoustic power spectrum of 16 Cyg A and B using a model that takes into account the contribution of differential rotation to the rotational frequency splitting. The estimation was carried out in a Bayesian setting. We then inverted these results to obtain the rotation profile of both stars under the assumption of a solar-like functional form. We observe that the magnitude of latitudinal differential rotation has a strong chance of being solar-like for both stars, their rotation rates being higher at the equator than at the pole. The measured latitudinal differential rotation, defined as the difference of rotation rate between the equator and the pole, is $320pm269$ nHz and $440^{+363}_{-383}$ nHz for 16 Cyg A and B, respectively, confirming that the rotation rates of these stars are almost solar-like. Their equatorial rotation rates are $535pm75$ nHz and $565_{-129}^{+150}$ nHz. Our results are in good agreement with measurements obtained from spectropolarimetry, spectroscopy, and photometry. We present the first conclusive measurement of latitudinal differential rotation for solar analogues. Their rotational profiles are very close to those of the Sun. These results depend weakly on the uncertainties of the stellar parameters.
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