Properties of ultra-cool dwarfs with Gaia. An assessment of the accuracy for the temperature determination

Abstract in English

We aimed to assess the accuracy of the Gaia teff and logg estimates as derived with current models and observations. We assessed the validity of several inference techniques for deriving the physical parameters of ultra-cool dwarf stars. We used synthetic spectra derived from ultra-cool dwarf models to construct (train) the regression models. We derived the intrinsic uncertainties of the best inference models and assessed their validity by comparing the estimated parameters with the values derived in the bibliography for a sample of ultra-cool dwarf stars observed from the ground. We estimated the total number of ultra-cool dwarfs per spectral subtype, and obtained values that can be summarised (in orders of magnitude) as 400000 objects in the M5-L0 range, 600 objects between L0 and L5, 30 objects between L5 and T0, and 10 objects between T0 and T8. A bright ultra-cool dwarf (with teff=2500 K and logg=3.5 will be detected by Gaia out to approximately 220 pc, while for teff=1500 K (spectral type L5) and the same surface gravity, this maximum distance reduces to 10-20 pc. The RMSE of the prediction deduced from ground-based spectra of ultra-cool dwarfs simulated at the Gaia spectral range and resolution, and for a Gaia magnitude G=20 is 213 K and 266 K for the models based on k-nearest neighbours and Gaussian process regression, respectively. These are total errors in the sense that they include the internal and external errors, with the latter caused by the inability of the synthetic spectral models (used for the construction of the regression models) to exactly reproduce the observed spectra, and by the large uncertainties in the current calibrations of spectral types and effective temperatures.
