Multi-Target Regression via Input Space Expansion: Treating Targets as Inputs

Abstract in English

In many practical applications of supervised learning the task involves the prediction of multiple target variables from a common set of input variables. When the prediction targets are binary the task is called multi-label classification, while when the targets are continuous the task is called multi-target regression. In both tasks, target variables often exhibit statistical dependencies and exploiting them in order to improve predictive accuracy is a core challenge. A family of multi-label classification methods address this challenge by building a separate model for each target on an expanded input space where other targets are treated as additional input variables. Despite the success of these methods in the multi-label classification domain, their applicability and effectiveness in multi-target regression has not been studied until now. In this paper, we introduce two new methods for multi-target regression, called Stacked Single-Target and Ensemble of Regressor Chains, by adapting two popular multi-label classification methods of this family. Furthermore, we highlight an inherent problem of these methods - a discrepancy of the values of the additional input variables between training and prediction - and develop extensions that use out-of-sample estimates of the target variables during training in order to tackle this problem. The results of an extensive experimental evaluation carried out on a large and diverse collection of datasets show that, when the discrepancy is appropriately mitigated, the proposed methods attain consistent improvements over the independent regressions baseline. Moreover, t
