We know that $mathbb{Z}_n$ is a finite field for a prime number $n$. Let $m,n$ be arbitrary natural numbers and let $mathbb{Z}^m_n= mathbb{Z}_n timesmathbb{Z}_ntimes...timesmathbb{Z}_n$ be the Cartesian product of $m$ rings $mathbb{Z}_n$. In this note, we present the action of $SL(m, mathbb{Z}_n)={A in mathbb{Z}^{m,m}_{n} : det A equiv 1 (modsimn)}$, where $SL(m, mathbb{Z}_n)$ for $ngeq 2$ is a group under matrix multiplication modulo $n$, on the ring $mathbb{Z}^m_n$ as a right multiplication of a row vector of $mathbb{Z}^m_n$ by a matrix of $SL(m, mathbb{Z}_n)$ to determine the orbits of the ring $mathbb{Z}^m_n$. This work is an extension of [1]