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High cumulants from the 3-dimensional $O(1, 2, 4)$ spin models

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 Added by Yuanfang Wu
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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Considering different universality classes of the QCD phase transitions, we perform the Monte Carlo simulations of the 3-dimensional $O(1, 2, 4)$ models at vanishing and non-vanishing external field, respectively. Interesting high cumulants of the order parameter and energy from O(1) (Ising) spin model, and the cumulants of the energy from O(2) and O(4) spin models are presented. The critical features of the cumulants are discussed. They are instructive to the high cumulants of the net baryon number in the QCD phase transitions.

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295 - Xue Pan , Mingmei Xu , Yuanfang Wu 2021
The high-order cumulants and factorial cumulants of conserved charges are suggested to study the critical dynamics in heavy ion collisions. In this paper, using parametric representation of the 3-dimensional Ising model, the sign distribution on the phase diagram and temperature dependence of the cumulants and factorial cumulants is studied and compared. In the vicinity of the critical point, the cumulants and factorial cumulants can not be distinguished. Far away from the critical point, sign changes occur in the factorial cumulants comparing with the same order cumulants. The cause of these sign changes is analysed. They may be used to measure the distance to the critical point.
157 - J. Balog , A. Hegedus 2003
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We determine the $1/N_f^2$ and $1/N_f^3$ contributions to the QED beta function stemming from the closed set of nested diagrams. At order $1/N_f^2$ we discover a new logarithmic branch-cut closer to the origin when compared to the $1/N_f$ results. The same singularity location appears at $1/N_f^3$, and these correspond to a UV renormalon singularity in the finite part of the photon two-point function.
116 - Yang Xiao , Li-Sheng Geng , 2018
We adopt a covariant version of the naive dimensional analysis and construct the chiral two-nucleon contact Lagrangian constrained by Lorentz, parity, charge conjugation, hermitian conjugation, and chiral symmetries. We show that at $mathcal{O}(q^0)$, $mathcal{O}(q^2)$, $mathcal{O}(q^4)$, where $q$ denotes a generic small quantity, there are 4, 13, and 23 terms, respectively. We find that by performing $1/m_N$ expansions, the covariant Lagrangian reduces to the conventional non-relativistic one, which includes 2, 7, and 15 terms at each corresponding order.
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