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Vacuum ultraviolet 5d$^1$4f$^9$-4f$^{10}$ emission of Ho$^{3+}$ ions in alkaline-earth fluorides

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 Added by Evgeny Radzhabov
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Time-resolved emission, excitation as well as emission decay curves of CaF$_2$, SrF$_2$, BaF$_2$ doped with HoF$_3$ were investigated. Most intensive emission bands near 168 nm, having long decay time, belong to spin-forbidden transitions from 5d$^1$4f$^9$ high spin (HS) states to ground $^5$I$_8$ states of Ho$^{3+}$ ions. Weak spin allowed 5d$^1$4f$^9$(LS)-4f$^{10}$ emission band at 158 nm was observed only in CaF$_2$-Ho crystals. Spin allowed and spin-forbidden excitation bands were observed in all crystals near 166 and 155 nm respectively. Fast component of spin-forbidden emissions due to multiphonon relaxation to low-lying 4f$^{10}$ Ho$^{3+}$ level was observed for all crystals.

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Information technology demands continuous increase of data-storage density. In high-density magnetic recording media, the large magneto-crystalline anisotropy (MCA) stabilizes the stored information against decay through thermal fluctuations. In the latest generation storage media, MCA is so large that magnetic order needs to be transiently destroyed by heat to enable bit writing. Here we show an alternative approach to control high-anisotropy magnets: With ultrashort laser pulses the anisotropy itself can be manipulated via electronic state excitations. In rare-earth materials like terbium metal, magnetic moment and high MCA both originate from the 4f electronic state. Following infrared laser excitation 5d-4f electron-electron scattering processes lead to selective orbital excitations that change the 4f orbital occupation and significantly alter the MCA. Besides these excitations within the 4f multiplet, 5d-4f electron transfer causes a transient change of the 4f occupation number, which, too, strongly alters the MCA. Such MCA change cannot be achieved by heating: The material would rather be damaged than the 4f configuration modified. Our results show a way to overcome this limitation for a new type of efficient magnetic storage medium. Besides potential technological relevance, the observation of MCA-changing excitations also has implications for a general understanding of magnetic dynamics processes on ultrashort time scales, where the 4f electronic state affects the angular momentum transfer between spin system and lattice.
We present a mechanism by which circularly driven phonon modes in the rare-earth trihalides generate giant effective magnetic fields acting on the paramagnetic $4f$ spins. With cerium trichloride (CeCl$_3$) as our example system, we calculate the coherent phonon dynamics in response to the excitation by an ultrashort terahertz pulse using a combination of phenomenological modeling and first-principles calculations. We find that effective magnetic fields of over 100 tesla can possibly be generated that polarize the spins for experimentally accessible pulse energies. The direction of induced magnetization can be inverted by reversing the polarization of the laser pulse. The underlying mechanism is a phonon analog to the inverse Faraday effect in optics and enables novel ways of achieving control over and switching of magnetic order at terahertz frequencies.
We apply a recently developed quasiparticle self-consistent $GW$ method (QSGW) to Gd, Er, EuN, GdN, ErAs, YbN and GdAs. We show that QSGW combines advantages separately found in conventional $GW$ and LDA+$U$ theory, in a simple and fully emph{ab initio} way. qsgw reproduces the experimental occupied $4f$ levels well, though unoccupied levels are systematically overestimated. Properties of the Fermi surface responsible for electronic properties are in good agreement with available experimental data. GdN is predicted to be very near a critical point of a first-order metal-insulator transition.
Nanoscale CeO2 (nanoceria) is a prototypical system that presents d0 ferromagnetism. Using a combination of x-ray absorption spectroscopy, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism and modelling, we show that nanostructure, defects and disorder, and non-stoichiometry create magnetically polarized Ce 4f and O 2p hybridized states captured by the vacancy orbitals (Vorb) that are vital to ferromagnetism. Further, we demonstrate that foreign ions (Fe and Co) enhance the moment at Ce 4f sites while the number of Vorb is unchanged, pointing clearly to the mechanism of orbital hybridization being key missing ingredient to understanding the unexpected ferromagnetism in many nanoscale dilute magnetic oxides and semiconductors.
We compare for Ho metal the x-ray absorption spectrum and the resonant soft x-ray diffraction spectra obtained at the $3d_{5/2} to 4f$ ($M_5$) resonance for the magnetic 1st and 2nd order diffraction peaks $(0,0,tau)$ and $(0,0,2tau)$ with the result of an atomic multiplet calculation. We find a good agreement between experiment and simulation giving evidence that this kind of simulation is well suited to quantitatively analyze resonant soft x-ray diffraction data from correlated electron systems.
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