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Searches for continuous gravitational waves with the LIGO and Virgo detector

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 Added by Keith Riles
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Keith Riles

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The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration have carried out joint searches in LIGO and Virgo data for periodic continuous gravitational waves. These analyses range from targeted searches for gravitational-wave signals from known pulsars, for which precise ephemerides from radio or X-ray observations are used in matched filters, to all-sky searches for unknown neutron stars, including stars in binary systems. Between these extremes lie directed searches for known stars of unknown spin frequency or for new unknown sources at specific locations, such as near the galactic center or in globular clusters. Recent and ongoing searches of each type will be summarized, along with prospects for future searches using data from the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors.

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The first generation of ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors, LIGO, GEO and Virgo, have operated and taken data at their design sensitivities over the last few years. The data has been examined for the presence of gravitational wave signals. Presented here is a comprehensive review of the most significant results. The network of detectors is currently being upgraded and extended, providing a large likelihood for observations. These future prospects will also be discussed.
79 - Keith Riles 2017
Gravitational wave astronomy opened dramatically in September 2015 with the LIGO discovery of a distant and massive binary black hole coalescence. The more recent discovery of a binary neutron star merger, followed by a gamma ray burst and a kilonova, reinforces the excitement of this new era, in which we may soon see other sources of gravitational waves, including continuous, nearly monochromatic signals. Potential continuous wave (CW) sources include rapidly spinning galactic neutron stars and more exotic possibilities, such as emission from axion Bose Einstein clouds surrounding black holes. Recent searches in Advanced LIGO data are presented, and prospects for more sensitive future searches discussed.
Gravitational waves from merging neutron stars are expected to be observed in the next 5 years. We explore the potential impact of matter effects on gravitational waves from merging double neutron-star binaries. If neutron star binaries exist with chirp masses less than roughly 1 solar mass and typical neutron-star radii are larger than roughly 14 km, or if neutron-star radii are larger than 15-16 km for the chirp masses of galactic neutron-star binaries, then matter will have a significant impact on the effectiveness of a point-particle-based search at Advanced LIGO design sensitivity (roughly 5% additional loss of signals). In a configuration typical of LIGOs first observing run, extreme matter effects lead to up to 10% potential loss in the most extreme cases.
Wide parameter space searches for long lived continuous gravitational wave signals are computationally limited. It is therefore critically important that available computational resources are used rationally. In this paper we consider directed searches, i.e. targets for which the sky position is known accurately but the frequency and spindown parameters are completely unknown. Given a list of such potential astrophysical targets, we therefore need to prioritize. On which target(s) should we spend scarce computing resources? What parameter space region in frequency and spindown should we search? Finally, what is the optimal search set-up that we should use? In this paper we present a general framework that allows to solve all three of these problems. This framework is based on maximizing the probability of making a detection subject to a constraint on the maximum available computational cost. We illustrate the method for a simplified problem.
Recently, the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration (LVC) concluded that there is no evidence for lensed gravitational waves (GW) in the first half of the O3 run, claiming We find the observation of lensed events to be unlikely, with the fractional rate at $mu>2$ being $3.3times 10^{-4}$. While we agree that the chance of an individual GW event being lensed at $mu>2$ is smaller than $10^{-3}$, the number of observed events depends on the product of this small probability times the rate of mergers at high redshift. Observational constraints from the stochastic GW background indicate that the rate of conventional mass BBH mergers (8 < M (M$_{odot}$) < 15) in the redshift range 1<z< 2 could be as high as O($10^7$) events per year, more than sufficient to compensate for the intrinsically low probability of lensing. To reach the LVC trigger threshold these events require high magnification, but would still produce up to 10 to 30 LVC observable events per year. Thus, all the LVC observed ordinary stellar mass BBH mergers from this epoch must be strongly lensed. By adopting low-rates at high redshift, LVC assumes that lensed events can not be taking place, thus incorrectly assigning them a closer distance and higher masses by a factor of a few (typically 2 to 5). The LVC adopted priors on time delay are in tension with the distribution of observed time delays in lensed quasars. Pairs of events like GW190421-GW190910 and GW190424-GW190910, which are directly assigned a probability of zero by LVC, should be instead considered as prime candidates to be strongly lensed GW pairs, since their separation in time is consistent with observations of time delays in lensed quasars. Correcting for the LVC wrong Bayesian priors, maximum merger rate of conventional mass BBH in 1<z<2, and gravitational lensing time-delay model, reverses the LVC conclusions and supports the strong gravitational lensing hypothesis.
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