The geometric, kinetic, and total inductances and the attenuation constant are theoretically analyzed for a thin-film superconducting coplanar waveguide (CPW) resonator consisting of a current-carrying central conductor, adjacent slots, and ground planes that return the current. The analysis focuses on films of thickness $d$ obeying $d < 2lambda$ ($lambda$ is the London penetration depth), for which the material properties are characterized by the two-dimensional screening length $Lambda = 2 lambda^2/d$. Introducing a cut-off procedure that guarantees that the magnitudes of the currents in the central conductor and the ground planes are equal, new and simpler results are obtained for the kinetic inductance and the attenuation constant for small $Lambda$. Exact results for arbitrary $Lambda$ are presented for the geometric, kinetic, and total inductances in the limit of tiny slot widths, and approximate results are presented for arbitrary slot widths.