One-way Tamm plasmon-polaritons on the interface of magnetophotonic crystals and conducting metal oxides

Abstract in English

We demonstrate theoretically the existence of one-way Tamm plasmon-polaritons on the interface between magnetophotonic crystals and conducting metal oxides. In contrast to conventional surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs), Tamm plasmon-polariton (TPPs) occur at frequencies above the bulk plasma frequency of the conducting materials, provided that the dispersion curves of such surface modes lie outside the light cone for the conducting oxides and simultaneously fall into the photonic band gap of the magnetophotonic crystal. The nonreciprocal properties of TPPs are caused by violation of the periodicity and time reversal symmetry in the structure. Calculations on the field distribution and transmission spectra through the structure are employed to confirm the theoretical results, which could potentially impact on a broad range of SPP-related phenomena in applications.
