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Metaplectic Anyons, Majorana Zero Modes, and their Computational Power

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 Added by Chetan Nayak
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We introduce and study a class of anyon models that are a natural generalization of Ising anyons and Majorana fermion zero modes. These models combine an Ising anyon sector with a sector associated with $SO(m)_2$ Chern-Simons theory. We show how they can arise in a simple scenario for electron fractionalization and give a complete account of their quasiparticles types, fusion rules, and braiding. We show that the image of the braid group is finite for a collection of $2n$ fundamental quasiparticles and is a proper subgroup of the metaplectic representation of $Sp(2n-2,mathbb{F}_m)ltimes H(2n-2,mathbb{F}_m)$, where $Sp(2n-2,mathbb{F}_m)$ is the symplectic group over the finite field $mathbb{F}_m$ and $H(2n-2,mathbb{F}_m)$ is the extra special group (also called the $(2n-1)$-dimensional Heisenberg group) over $mathbb{F}_m$. Moreover, the braiding of fundamental quasiparticles can be efficiently simulated classically. However, computing the result of braiding a certain type of composite quasiparticle is $# P$-hard, although it is not universal for quantum computation because it has a finite braid group image. This a rare example of a topological phase that is not universal for quantum computation through braiding but nevertheless has $# P$-hard link invariants. We argue that our models are closely related to recent analyses finding non-Abelian anyonic properties for defects in quantum Hall systems, generalizing Majorana zero modes in quasi-1D systems.

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We provide a current perspective on the rapidly developing field of Majorana zero modes in solid state systems. We emphasize the theoretical prediction, experimental realization, and potential use of Majorana zero modes in future information processing devices through braiding-based topological quantum computation. Well-separated Majorana zero modes should manifest non-Abelian braiding statistics suitable for unitary gate operations for topological quantum computation. Recent experimental work, following earlier theoretical predictions, has shown specific signatures consistent with the existence of Majorana modes localized at the ends of semiconductor nanowires in the presence of superconducting proximity effect. We discuss the experimental findings and their theoretical analyses, and provide a perspective on the extent to which the observations indicate the existence of anyonic Majorana zero modes in solid state systems. We also discuss fractional quantum Hall systems (the 5/2 state) in this context. We describe proposed schemes for carrying out braiding with Majorana zero modes as well as the necessary steps for implementing topological quantum computation.
310 - R. Jackiw , S.-Y. Pi 2011
Zero modes arising from a planar Majorana equation in the presence of $N$ vortices require an $mathcal{N}$-dimensional state-space, where $mathcal{N} = 2^{N/2}$ for $N$ even and $mathcal{N} = 2^{(N + 1)/2}$ for $N$ odd. The mode operators form a restricted $mathcal{N}$-dimensional Clifford algebra.
Topological excitations, such as Majorana zero modes, are a promising route for encoding quantum information. Topologically protected gates of Majorana qubits, based on their braiding, will require some form of network. Here, we propose to build such a network by entangling Majorana matter with light in a microwave cavity QED setup. Our scheme exploits a light-induced interaction which is universal to all the Majorana nanoscale circuit platforms. This effect stems from a parametric drive of the light-matter coupling in a one-dimensional chain of physical Majorana modes. Our setup enables all the basic operations needed in a Majorana quantum computing platform such as fusing, braiding, the crucial T-gate, the read-out and, importantly, the stabilization or correction of the physical Majorana modes.
199 - R. Jackiw 2011
We describe the occurrence and physical role of zero-energy modes in the Dirac equation with a topologically non-trivial background.
We investigate the number-anomalous of the Majorana zero modes in the non-Hermitian Kitaev chain, whose hopping and superconductor paring strength are both imbalanced. We find that the combination of two imbalanced non-Hermitian terms can induce defective Majorana edge states, which means one of the two localized edge states will disappear due to the non-Hermitian suppression effect. As a result, the conventional bulk-boundary correspondence is broken down. Besides, the defective edge states are mapped to the ground states of non-Hermitian transverse field Ising model, and the global phase diagrams of ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic crossover for ground states are given. Our work, for the first time, reveal the break of topological robustness for the Majorana zero modes, which predict more novel effects both in topological material and in non-Hermitian physics.
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