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On Nonlocal Gross-Pitaevskii Equations with Periodic Potentials

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 Added by Christopher Curtis
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Gross-Pitaevskii equation is a widely used model in physics, in particular in the context of Bose-Einstein condensates. However, it only takes into account local interactions between particles. This paper demonstrates the validity of using a nonlocal formulation as a generalization of the local model. In particular, the paper demonstrates that the solution of the nonlocal model approaches in norm the solution of the local model as the nonlocal model approaches the local model. The nonlocality and potential used for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation are quite general, thus this paper shows that one can easily add nonlocal effects to interesting classes of Bose-Einstein condensate models. Based on a particular choice of potential for the nonlocal Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we establish the orbital stability of a class of parameter-dependent solutions to the nonlocal problem for certain parameter regimes. Numerical results corroborate the analytical stability results and lead to predictions about the stability of the class of solutions for parameter values outside of the purview of the theory established in this paper.

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This note examines Gross-Pitaevskii equations with PT-symmetric potentials of the Wadati type: $V=-W^2+iW_x$. We formulate a recipe for the construction of Wadati potentials supporting exact localised solutions. The general procedure is exemplified by equations with attractive and repulsive cubic nonlinearity bearing a variety of bright and dark solitons.
269 - Thomas Alazard 2007
We consider the semi-classical limit for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. In order to consider non-trivial boundary conditions at infinity, we work in Zhidkov spaces rather than in Sobolev spaces. For the usual cubic nonlinearity, we obtain a point-wise description of the wave function as the Planck constant goes to zero, so long as no singularity appears in the limit system. For a cubic-quintic nonlinearity, we show that working with analytic data may be necessary and sufficient to obtain a similar result.
In this paper we study the existence of finite energy traveling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. This problem has deserved a lot of attention in the literature, but the existence of solutions in the whole subsonic range was a standing open problem till the work of Maris in 2013. However, such result is valid only in dimension 3 and higher. In this paper we first prove the existence of finite energy traveling waves for almost every value of the speed in the subsonic range. Our argument works identically well in dimensions 2 and 3. With this result in hand, a compactness argument could fill the range of admissible speeds. We are able to do so in dimension 3, recovering the aforementioned result by Maris. The planar case turns out to be more difficult and the compactness argument works only under an additional assumption on the vortex set of the approximating solutions.
New finite energy traveling wave solutions with small speed are constructed for the three dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation begin{equation*} iPsi_t= Delta Psi+(1-|Psi|^2)Psi, end{equation*} where $Psi$ is a complex valued function defined on ${mathbb R}^3times{mathbb R}$. These solutions have the shape of $2n+1$ vortex rings, far away from each other. Among these vortex rings, $n+1$ of them have positive orientation and the other $n$ of them have negative orientation. The location of these rings are described by the roots of a sequence of polynomials with rational coefficients. The polynomials found here can be regarded as a generalization of the classical Adler-Moser polynomials and can be expressed as the Wronskian of certain very special functions. The techniques used in the derivation of these polynomials should have independent interest.
We prove existence and qualitative properties of ground state solutions to a generalized nonlocal 3rd-4th order Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Using a mountain pass argument on spheres and constructing appropriately localized Palais-Smale sequences we are able to prove existence of real positive ground states as saddle points. The analysis is deployed in the set of possible states, thus overcoming the problem that the energy is unbounded below. We also prove a corresponding nonlocal Pohozaev identity with no rest term, a crucial part of the analysis.
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