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Comparison of Ground- and Space-based Longitudinal Magnetograms

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 Added by Anna Pietarila
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We compare photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms from the Synoptic Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) vector spectromagnetograph (VSM) instrument with observations from the 150-foot Solar Tower at Mt. Wilson (MWO), Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), and Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). We find very good agreement between VSM and the other data sources for both disk-averaged flux densities and pixel-by-pixel measurements. We show that the VSM mean flux density time series is of consistently high signal-to-noise with no significant zero-offsets. We discuss in detail some of the factors -spatial resolution, flux dependence and position on the solar disk- affecting the determination of scaling between VSM and SOHO/MDI or SDO/HMI magnetograms. The VSM flux densities agree well with spatially smoothed data from MDI and HMI, although the scaling factors show clear dependence on flux density. The factor to convert VSM to HMI increases with increasing flux density (from $approx$1 to $approx$1.5). The nonlinearity is smaller for the VSM vs. ~SOHO/MDI scaling factor (from $approx$1 to $approx$1.2).

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longitudinal magnetic field often suffers the saturation effect in strong magnetic field region when the measurement performs in a single-wavelength point and linear calibration is adopted. In this study, we develop a method that can judge the threshold of saturation in Stokes $V/I$ observed by the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (SMFT) and correct for it automatically. The procedure is that first perform the second-order polynomial fit to the Stokes $V/I$ textit{vs} $I/I_{m}$ ($I_{m}$ is the maximum value of Stokes $I$) curve to estimate the threshold of saturation, then reconstruct Stokes $V/I$ in strong field region to correct for saturation. The algorithm is proved to be effective by comparing with the magnetograms obtained by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). The accurate rate of detection and correction for saturation is $sim$99.4% and $sim$88% respectively among 175 active regions. The advantages and disadvantages of the algorithm are discussed.
98 - X. M. Zhang , M. Zhang , J. T. Su 2016
It is a common practice in the solar physics community to test whether or not measured photospheric or chromospheric vector magnetograms are force-free, using the Maxwell stress as a measure. Some previous studies have suggested that magnetic fields of active regions in the solar chromosphere are close to be force-free whereas there is no consistency among previous studies on whether magnetic fields of active regions in the solar photosphere are force-free or not. Here we use three kinds of representative magnetic fields (analytical force-free solutions, modeled solar-like force-free fields and observed non-force-free fields) to discuss on how the measurement issues such as limited field of view, instrument sensitivity and measurement error could affect the estimation of force-freeness based on observed magnetograms. Unlike previous studies that focus on discussing the effect of limited field of view or instrument sensitivity, our calculation shows that just measurement error alone can significantly influence the results of force-freeness estimate, due to the fact that measurement errors in horizontal magnetic fields are usually ten times larger than that of the vertical fields. This property of measurement errors, interacting with the particular form of force-freeness estimate formula, would result in wrong judgments of the force-freeness: a truly force-free field may be mistakenly estimated as being non-force-free and a true non-force-free field may be estimated as being force-free. Our analysis calls for caution when interpreting the force-freeness estimates based on measured magnetograms, and also suggests that the true photospheric magnetic field may be further away from being force-free than they currently appear to be.
Homogeneous observations and careful analysis of transit light curves can lead to the identification of transit timing variations (TTVs). TrES-2 is one of few exoplanets, which offer the matchless possibility to combine long-term ground-based observations with continuous satellite data. Our research aimed at the search for TTVs that would be indicative of perturbations from additional bodies in the system. We also wanted to refine the system parameters and the orbital elements. We obtained 44 ground-based light curves of 31 individual transit events of TrES-2. Eight 0.2 - 2.2-m telescopes located at six observatories in Germany, Poland and Spain were used. In addition, we analysed 18 quarters (Q0-Q17) of observational data from NASAs space telescope Kepler including 435 individual transit events and 11 publicly available ground-based light curves. Assuming different limb darkening (LD) laws we performed an analysis for all light curves and redetermined the parameters of the system. We also carried out a joint analysis of the ground- and space-based data. The long observation period of seven years (2007-2013) allowed a very precise redetermination of the transit ephemeris. For a total of 490 transit light curves of TrES-2, the time of transit mid-point was determined. The transit times support neither variations on long time-scale nor on short time-scales. The nearly continuous observations of Kepler show no statistically significant increase or decrease in the orbital inclination i and the transit duration D. Only the transit depth shows a slight increase which could be an indication of an increasing stellar activity. In general, system parameters obtained by us were found to be in agreement with previous studies but are the most precise values to date.
60 - S. Funk 2015
In recent years, observational $gamma$-ray astronomy has seen a remarkable range of exciting new results in the high-energy and very-high energy regimes. Coupled with extensive theoretical and phenomenological studies of non-thermal processes in the Universe these observations have provided a deep insight into a number of fundamental problems of high energy astrophysics and astroparticle physics. Although the main moti- vations of $gamma$-ray astronomy remain unchanged, recent observational results have contributed significantly towards our understanding of many related phenomena. This article aims to review the most important results in the young and rapidly developing field of $gamma$-ray astrophysics.
Monitoring of the Sun and its activity is a task of growing importance in the frame of space weather research and awareness. Major space weather disturbances at Earth have their origin in energetic outbursts from the Sun: solar flares, coronal mass ejections and associated solar energetic particles. In this review we discuss the importance and complementarity of ground-based and space-based observations for space weather studies. The main focus is drawn on ground-based observations in the visible range of the spectrum, in particular in the diagnostically manifold H$alpha$ spectral line, which enables us to detect and study solar flares, filaments, filament eruptions, and Moreton waves. Existing H$alpha$ networks such as the GONG and the Global High-Resolution H$alpha$ Network are discussed. As an example of solar observations from space weather research to operations, we present the system of real-time detection of H$alpha$ flares and filaments established at Kanzelhohe Observatory (KSO; Austria) in the frame of the ESA Space Situational Awareness programme. During the evaluation period 7/2013 - 11/2015, KSO provided 3020 hours of real-time H$alpha$ observations at the SWE portal. In total, 824 H$alpha$ flares were detected and classified by the real-time detection system, including 174 events of H$alpha$ importance class 1 and larger. For the total sample of events, 95% of the automatically determined flare peak times lie within $pm$5 min of the values given in the official optical flares reports (by NOAA and KSO), and 76% of the start times. The heliographic positions determined are better than $pm$5$^circ$. The probability of detection of flares of importance 1 or larger is 95%, with a false alarm rate of 16%. These numbers confirm the high potential of automatic flare detection and alerting from ground-based observatories.
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