Many-body Greens function study of coumarins for dye-sensitized solar cells

Abstract in English

We study within the many-body Greens function $GW$ and Bethe-Salpeter formalisms the excitation energies of several coumarin dyes proposed as an efficient alternative to ruthenium complexes for dye-sensitized solar cells. Due to their internal donor-acceptor structure, these chromophores present low-lying excitations showing a strong intramolecular charge-transfer character. We show that combining $GW$ and Bethe-Salpeter calculations leads to charge-transfer excitation energies and oscillator strengths in excellent agreement with reference range-separated functional studies or coupled-cluster calculations. The present results confirm the ability of this family of approaches to describe accurately Frenkel and charge-transfer photo-excitations in both extended and finite size systems without any system-dependent adjustable parameter, paving the way to the study of dye-sensitized semiconducting surfaces.
