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MYStIX First Results: Spatial Structures of Massive Young Stellar Clusters

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 Added by Michael Kuhn
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Observations of the spatial distributions of young stars in star-forming regions can be linked to the theory of clustered star formation using spatial statistical methods. The MYStIX project provides rich samples of young stars from the nearest high-mass star-forming regions. Maps of stellar surface density reveal diverse structure and subclustering. Young stellar clusters and subclusters are fit with isothermal spheres and ellipsoids using the Bayesian Information Criterion to estimate the number of subclusters. Clustering is also investigated using Cartwright and Whitworths Q statistic and the inhomogeneous two-point correlation function. Mass segregation is detected in several cases, in both centrally concentrated and fractally structured star clusters, but a few clusters are not mass segregated.

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The purpose of this research is to study the connection of global properties of eight young stellar clusters projected in the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO Large Public Survey disk area and their young stellar object population. The analysis in based on the combination of spectroscopic parallax-based reddening and distance determinations with main sequence and pre-main sequence ishochrone fitting to determine the basic parameters (reddening, age, distance) of the sample clusters. The lower mass limit estimations show that all clusters are low or intermediate mass (between 110 and 1800 Mo), the slope Gamma of the obtained present-day mass functions of the clusters is close to the Kroupa initial mass function. On the other hand, the young stellar objects in the surrounding clusters fields are classified by low resolution spectra, spectral energy distribution fit with theoretical predictions, and variability, taking advantage of multi-epoch VVV observations. All spectroscopically confirmed young stellar objects (except one) are found to be massive (more than 8 Mo). Using VVV and GLIMPSE color-color cuts we have selected a large number of new young stellar object candidates, which are checked for variability and 57% are found to show at least low-amplitude variations. In few cases it was possible to distinguish between YSO and AGB classification on the basis of the light curves.
Aims. To present the new novel statistical clustering tool INDICATE which assesses and quantifies the degree of spatial clustering of each object in a dataset, discuss its applications as a tracer of morphological stellar features in star forming regions, and to look for these features in the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372). Results. We successfully recover known stellar structure of the Carina Nebula, including the 5 young star clusters in this region. Four sub-clusters contain no, or very few, stars with a degree of association above random which suggests they may be fluctuations in the field rather than real clusters. In addition we find: (1) Stars in the NW and SE regions have significantly different clustering tendencies, which is reflective of differences in the apparent star formation activity in these regions. Further study is required to ascertain the physical origin of the difference; (2) The different clustering properties between these two regions are even more pronounced for OB stars; (3) There are no signatures of classical mass segregation present in the SE region - massive stars here are not spatially concentrated together above random; (4) Stellar concentrations are more frequent around massive stars than typical for the general population, particularly in the Tr14 cluster; (5) There is a relation between the concentration of OB stars and the concentration of (lower mass) stars around OB stars in the centrally concentrated Tr14 and Tr15, but no such relation exists in Tr16. We conclude this is due to the highly sub-structured nature of Tr16. Conclusions. INDICATE is a powerful new tool employing a novel approach to quantify the clustering tendencies of individual objects in a dataset within a user-defined parameter space. As such it can be used in a wide array of data analysis applications.
We discuss VLTI AMBER and MIDI interferometry in addition to single-dish Subaru observations of massive young stellar objects. The observations probe linear size scales between 10 to 1000 AU for the average distance of our sources.
The ESO public survey VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) has contributed with deep multi-epoch photometry of the Galactic bulge and the adjacent part of the disk over 526 square degrees. More than a hundred cluster candidates have been reported thanks to this survey. We present the fifth article in a series of papers focused on young and massive clusters discovered in the VVV survey. In this paper, we present the physical characterization of five clusters with a spectroscopically confirmed OB-type stellar population. To characterize the clusters, we used near-infrared photometry ($J$, $H,$ and $K_S$) from the VVV survey and near-infrared $K$-band spectroscopy from ISAAC at VLT, following the methodology presented in the previous articles of the series. All clusters in our sample are very young (ages between 1-20 Myr), and their total mass are between $(1.07^{+0.40}_{-0.30})cdot10^2$ $M_{odot}$ and $(4.17^{+4.15}_{-2.08})cdot10^3$ $M_{odot}$. We observed a relation between the clusters total mass $M_{ecl}$ and the mass of their most massive stellar member $m_{max}$, even for clusters with an age $<$ 10 Myr.
Due to the recent dramatic technological advances, infrared interferometry can now be applied to new classes of objects, resulting in exciting new science prospects, for instance, in the area of high-mass star formation. Although extensively studied at various wavelengths, the process through which massive stars form is still only poorly understood. For instance, it has been proposed that massive stars might form like low-mass stars by mass accretion through a circumstellar disk/envelope, or otherwise by coalescence in a dense stellar cluster. After discussing the technological challenges which result from the special properties of these objects, we present first near-infrared interferometric observations, which we obtained on the massive YSO IRAS 13481-6124 using VLTI/AMBER infrared long-baseline interferometry and NTT speckle interferometry. From our extensive data set, we reconstruct a model-independent aperture synthesis image which shows an elongated structure with a size of 13x19 AU, consistent with a disk seen under an inclination of 45 degree. The measured wavelength-dependent visibilities and closure phases allow us to derive the radial disk temperature gradient and to detect a dust-free region inside of 9.5 AU from the star, revealing qualitative and quantitative similarities with the disks observed in low-mass star formation. In complementary mid-infrared Spitzer and sub-millimeter APEX imaging observations we detect two bow shocks and a molecular out ow which are oriented perpendicular to the disk plane and indicate the presence of a bipolar outflow emanating from the inner regions of the system.
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