Spin excitations in a single La$_2$CuO$_4$ layer

Abstract in English

The dynamics of S=1/2 quantum spins on a 2D square lattice lie at the heart of the mystery of the cuprates cite{Hayden2004,Vignolle2007,Li2010,LeTacon2011,Coldea2001,Headings2010,Braicovich2010}. In bulk cuprates such as LCO{}, the presence of a weak interlayer coupling stabilizes 3D N{e}el order up to high temperatures. In a truly 2D system however, thermal spin fluctuations melt long range order at any finite temperature cite{Mermin1966}. Further, quantum spin fluctuations transfer magnetic spectral weight out of a well-defined magnon excitation into a magnetic continuum, the nature of which remains controversial cite{Sandvik2001,Ho2001,Christensen2007,Headings2010}. Here, we measure the spin response of emph{isolated one-unit-cell thick layers} of LCO{}. We show that coherent magnons persist even in a single layer of LCO{} despite the loss of magnetic order, with no evidence for resonating valence bond (RVB)-like spin correlations cite{Anderson1987,Hsu1990,Christensen2007}. Thus these excitations are well described by linear spin wave theory (LSWT). We also observe a high-energy magnetic continuum in the isotropic magnetic response. This high-energy continuum is not well described by 2 magnon LSWT, or indeed any existing theories.
