The sudden appearance of CO emission in LHA 115-S 65

Abstract in English

Molecular emission has been detected in several Magellanic Cloud B[e] supergiants. In this Letter, we report on the detection of CO band head emission in the B[e] supergiant LHA 115-S 65, and present a K-band near-infrared spectrum obtained with the Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the Near-Infrared (SINFONI; R=4500) on the ESO VLT UT4 telescope. The observed molecular band head emission in S 65 is quite surprising in light of a previous non-detection by McGregor et al. 1989, as well as a high resolution (R=50000) Gemini/Phoenix spectrum of this star taken nine months earlier showing no emission. Based on analysis of the optical spectrum by Kraus et al. 2010, we suspect that the sudden appearance of molecular emission could be due to density build up in an outflowing viscous disk, as seen for Be stars. This new discovery, combined with variability in two other similar evolved massive stars, indicates an evolutionary link between B[e] supergiants and LBVs.
