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Hermitian Hamiltonian equivalent to a given non-Hermitian one. Manifestation of spectral singularity

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 Added by Boris Samsonov F
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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One of the simplest non-Hermitian Hamiltonians first proposed by Schwartz (1960 {it Commun. Pure Appl. Math.} tb{13} 609) which may possess a spectral singularity is analyzed from the point of view of non-Hermitian generalization of quantum mechanics. It is shown that $eta$ operator, being a second order differential operator, has supersymmetric structure. Asymptotic behavior of eigenfunctions of a Hermitian Hamiltonian equivalent to the given non-Hermitian one is found. As a result the corresponding scattering matrix and cross section are given explicitly. It is demonstrated that the possible presence of the spectral singularity in the spectrum of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian may be detected as a resonance in the scattering cross section of its Hermitian counterpart. Nevertheless, just at the singular point the equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian becomes undetermined.

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Diagonalizable pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians with real and discrete spectra, which are superpartners of Hermitian Hamiltonians, must be $eta$-pseudo-Hermitian with Hermitian, positive-definite and non-singular $eta$ operators. We show that despite the fact that an $eta$ operator produced by a supersymmetric transformation, corresponding to the exact supersymmetry, is singular, it can be used to find the eigenfunctions of a Hermitian operator equivalent to the given pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian. Once the eigenfunctions of the Hermitian operator are found the operator may be reconstructed with the help of the spectral decomposition.
The differential-equation eigenvalue problem associated with a recently-introduced Hamiltonian, whose eigenvalues correspond to the zeros of the Riemann zeta function, is analyzed using Fourier and WKB analysis. The Fourier analysis leads to a challenging open problem concerning the formulation of the eigenvalue problem in the momentum space. The WKB analysis gives the exact asymptotic behavior of the eigenfunction.
We compare the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process for the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble to its non-hermitian counterpart - for the complex Ginibre ensemble. We exploit the mathematical framework based on the generalized Greens functions, which involves a new, hidden complex variable, in comparison to the standard treatment of the resolvents. This new variable turns out to be crucial to understand the pattern of the evolution of non-hermitian systems. The new feature is the emergence of the coupling between the flow of eigenvalues and that of left/right eigenvectors. We analyze local and global equilibria for both systems. Finally, we highlight some unexpected links between both ensembles.
In this paper a geometric method based on Grassmann manifolds and matrix Riccati equations to make hermitian matrices diagonal is presented. We call it Riccati Diagonalization.
Non-Hermitian skin effect, namely that the eigenvalues and eigenstates of a non-Hermitian tight-binding Hamiltonian have significant differences under open or periodic boundary conditions, is a remarkable phenomenon of non-Hermitian systems. Inspired by the presence of the non-Hermitian skin effect, we study the evolution of wave-packets in non-Hermitian systems, which can be determined using the single-particle Greens function. Surprisingly, we find that in the thermodynamical limit, the Greens function does not depend on boundary conditions, despite the presence of skin effect. We proffer a general proof for this statement in arbitrary dimension with finite hopping range, with an explicit illustration in the non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. We also explore its applications in non-interacting open quantum systems described by the master equation, where we demonstrate that the evolution of the density matrix is independent of the boundary condition.
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