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Almost 30 Isolated Neutron Stars (INSs) of different flavours have been identified at optical, ultraviolet, or infrared (UVOIR) wavelengths. Here, I present a short review of the historical background and describe the scientific impact of INS observations in the UVOIR. Then, I focus on UVOIR observations of rotation-powered pulsars, so far the most numerous class of INSs identified at these wavelengths, and their observational properties. Finally, I present the results of new UVOIR observations and an update of the follow-ups of gamma-ray pulsars detected by Fermi.
Isolated Neutron Stars are known to be endowed with extreme magnetic fields, whose maximum intensity ranges from 10^12 to 10^15 G, which permeates their magnetospheres. Their surrounding environment is also strongly magnetised, especially in the compact nebulae powered by the relativistic wind from young neutron stars. The radiation from isolated neutron stars and their surrounding nebulae is, thus, supposed to bring a strong polarisation signature. Measuring the neutron star polarisation brings important information on the properties of their magnetosphere and of their highly magnetised environment. Being the most numerous class of isolated neutron stars, polarisation measurements have been traditionally carried out for radio pulsars, hence in the radio band. In this review, I summarise multi-wavelength linear polarisation measurements obtained at wavelengths other than radio both for pulsars and other types of isolated neutron stars and outline future perspectives with the upcoming observing facilities.
On 2008 May 14, the Burst Alert Telescope aboard the Swift mission triggered on a type-I X-ray burst from the previously unclassified ROSAT object 1RXH J173523.7-354013, establishing the source as a neutron star X-ray binary. We report on X-ray, optical and near-infrared observations of this system. The X-ray burst had a duration of ~2 h and belongs to the class of rare, intermediately long type-I X-ray bursts. From the bolometric peak flux of ~3.5E-8 erg/cm^2/s, we infer a source distance of D<9.5 kpc. Photometry of the field reveals an optical counterpart that declined from R=15.9 during the X-ray burst to R=18.9 thereafter. Analysis of post-burst Swift/XRT observations, as well as archival XMM-Newton and ROSAT data suggests that the system is persistent at a 0.5-10 keV luminosity of ~2E35 (D/9.5 kpc)^2 erg/s. Optical and infrared photometry together with the detection of a narrow Halpha emission line (FWHM=292+/-9 km/s, EW=-9.0+/-0.4 Angstrom) in the optical spectrum confirms that 1RXH J173523.7-354013 is a neutron star low-mass X-ray binary. The Halpha emission demonstrates that the donor star is hydrogen-rich, which effectively rules out that this system is an ultra-compact X-ray binary.
High-energy observations have unveiled peculiar classes of isolated neutron stars which, at variance with radio pulsars, are mostly radio silent and not powered by the star rotation. Among these objects are the magnetars, hyper-magnetized neutron stars characterized by transient X-ray/gamma-ray emission, and neutron stars with purely thermal, and in most cases stationary, X-ray emission (a.k.a., X-ray dim isolated neutron stars or XDINSs). While apparently dissimilar in their high-energy behavior and age, both magnetars and XDINSs have similar periods and unusually high magnetic fields. This suggests a tantalizing scenario where the former evolve into the latter.Discovering so far uninvestigated similarities between the multi-wavelength properties of these two classes would be a further step forward to establish an evolutionary scenario. A most promising channels is the near infrared (NIR) one, where magnetars are characterized by a distinctive spectral flattening with respect to the extrapolation of the soft X-ray spectrum.We observed the two XDINSs RX J0420.0-5022 and RX J1856.5-3754 with the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator (MAD) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) as part of the instrument guaranteed time observations program, to search for their NIR counterparts. Both RX J1856.5-3754 and RX J0420.0-5022 were not detected down to K_s ~20 and Ks ~21.5, respectively. In order to constrain the relation between XDINSs and magnetars it would be of importance to perform deeper NIR observations. A good candidate is 1RXS J214303.7+065419 which is the XDINS with the highest inferred magnetic field.
G315.4-2.3 is a young Galactic supernova remnant (SNR), whose identification as the remains of a Type-II supernova (SN) explosion has been debated for a long time. In particular, recent multi-wavelength observations suggest that it is the result of a Type Ia SN, based on spectroscopy of the SNR shell and the lack of a compact stellar remnant.However, two X-ray sources, one detected by Einstein and ROSAT (Source V) and the other by Chandra (Source N) have been proposed as possible isolated neutron star candidates. In both cases, no clear optical identification was available and, therefore, we performed an optical and X-ray study to determine the nature of these two sources. Based on Chandra astrometry, Source V is associated with a bright V~14 star, which had been suggested based on the less accurate ROSAT position. Similarly, from VLT archival observations, we found that Source N is associated with a relatively bright star ($V=20.14 $). These likely identifications suggest that both X-ray sources cannot be isolated neutron stars.
Being fast rotating objects, Isolated Neutron Stars (INSs) are natural targets for high-time resolution observations across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. With the number of objects detected at optical (plus ultraviolet and infrared) wavelengths now increased to 24, high-time resolution observations of INSs at these wavelengths are becoming more and more important. While classical rotation-powered radio pulsars, like the Crab and Vela pulsars, have been the first INSs studied at high-time resolution in the optical domain, observations performed in the last two decades have unveiled potential targets in other types of INSs which are not rotation powered, although their periodic variability is still related to the neutron star rotation. In this paper I review the current status of high-time resolution observations of INSs in the optical domain for different classes of objects: rotation-powered pulsars, magnetars, thermally emitting neutron stars, and rapid radio transients, I describe their timing properties, and I outline the scientific potentials of their optical timing studies.