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A knotted 2-dimensional foam with non-trivial cocycle invariant

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 Added by J. Scott Carter
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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By 2-twist-spinning the knotted graph that represents the knotted handlebody $5_2$, we obtain a knotted foam in 4-dimensional space with a non-trivial quandle cocycle invariant.

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105 - Jose Ceniceros , Sam Nelson 2020
We bring cocycle enhancement theory to the case of psyquandles. Analogously to our previous work on virtual biquandle cocycle enhancements, we define enhancements of the psyquandle counting invariant via pairs of a biquandle 2-cocycle and a new function satisfying some conditions. As an application we define new single-variable and two-variable polynomial invariants of oriented pseudoknots and singular knots and links. We provide examples to show that the new invariants are proper enhancements of the counting invariant are are not determined by the Jablan polynomial.
Given a rank 2 hermitian bundle over a 3-manifold that is non-trivial admissible in the sense of Floer, one defines its Casson invariant as half the signed count of its projectively flat connections, suitably perturbed. We show that the 2-divisibility of this integer invariant is controlled in part by a formula involving the mod 2 cohomology ring of the 3-manifold. This formula counts flat connections on the induced adjoint bundle with Klein-four holonomy.
252 - J. Scott Carter 2008
For an arbitrary identity L=R between compositions of maps L and R on tensors of vector spaces V, a general construction of a 2-cocycle condition is given. These 2-cocycles correspond to those obtained in deformation theories of algebras. The construction is applied to a canceling pairings and copairings, with explicit examples with calculations. Relations to the Kauffman bracket and knot invariants are discussed.
Let L be a link in a thickened annulus. We show that its sutured annular Khovanov homology carries an action of the exterior current algebra of the Lie algebra sl_2. When L is an m-framed n-cable of a knot K in the three-sphere, its sutured annular Khovanov homology carries a commuting action of the symmetric group S_n. One therefore obtains a knotted Schur-Weyl representation that agrees with classical sl_2 Schur-Weyl duality when K is the Seifert-framed unknot.
A heap is a set with a certain ternary operation that is self-distributive (TSD) and exemplified by a group with the operation $(x,y,z)mapsto xy^{-1}z$. We introduce and investigate framed link invariants using heaps. In analogy with the knot group, we define the fundamental heap of framed links using group presentations. The fundamental heap is determined for some classes of links such as certain families of torus and pretzel links. We show that for these families of links there exist epimorphisms from fundamental heaps to Vinberg and Coxeter groups, implying that corresponding groups are infinite. A relation to the Wirtinger presentation is also described. The cocycle invariant is defined using ternary self-distributive (TSD) cohomology, by means of a state sum that uses ternary heap $2$-cocycles as weights. It is shown that the cohomology splits into two types, called degenerate and nondegenerate, and that the degenerate part is one dimensional. Subcomplexes are constructed based on group cosets, that allow computations of the nondegenerate part. We apply colorings inferred from fundamental heaps to compute cocycle invariants, and prove that the invariant values can be used to derive algebraic properties of the cohomology.
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