High bias anomaly in YBa2Cu3O7/LaMnO_{3+delta}/YBa2Cu3O7 Superconductor/Ferromagnetic Insulator/Superconductor junctions: Evidence for a long-range superconducting proximity effect through the conduction band of a ferromagnetic insulator

Abstract in English

We study the perpendicular transport characteristics of small superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator/superconductor (YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-x}$/LaMnO$_{3+delta}$/YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-x}$) tunnel junctions. At a large bias voltage $Vsim 1$ V we observe a step-like onset of excess current that occurs below the superconducting transition temperature $T<T_c$ and is easily suppressed by a magnetic field. The phenomenon is attributed to a novel type of the superconducting proximity effect of non-equilibrium electrons injected into the conduction band of the ferromagnetic insulator via a Fowler-Nordheim tunneling process. The occurrence of a strongly non-equilibrium population is confirmed by the detection of photon emission at large bias voltage. Since the conduction band in our ferromagnetic insulator is strongly spin polarized, the long-range (20 nm) of the observed proximity effect provides evidence for an unconventional spin-triplet superconducting state.
