Evidence of Majorana fermions in an Al - InAs nanowire topological superconductor

Abstract in English

Majorana fermions are the only fermionic particles that are expected to be their own antiparticles. While elementary particles of the Majorana type were not identified yet, quasi-particles with Majorana like properties, born from interacting electrons in the solid, were predicted to exist. Here, we present thorough experimental studies, backed by numerical simulations, of a system composed of an aluminum superconductor in proximity to an indium arsenide nanowire, with the latter possessing strong spin-orbit coupling. An induced 1d topological superconductor - supporting Majorana fermions at both ends - is expected to form. We concentrate on the characteristics of a distinct zero bias conductance peak (ZBP), and its splitting in energy, both appearing only with a small magnetic field applied along the wire. The ZBP was found to be robustly tied to the Fermi energy over a wide range of system parameters. While not providing a definite proof of a Majorana state, the presented data and the simulations support strongly its existence.
