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CfA4: Light Curves for 94 Type Ia Supernovae

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 Added by Malcolm Hicken
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present multi-band optical photometry of 94 spectroscopically-confirmed Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) in the redshift range 0.0055 to 0.073, obtained between 2006 and 2011. There are a total of 5522 light curve points. We show that our natural system SN photometry has a precision of roughly 0.03 mag or better in BVri, 0.06 mag in u, and 0.07 mag in U for points brighter than 17.5 mag and estimate that it has a systematic uncertainty of 0.014, 0.010, 0.012, 0.014, 0.046, and 0.073 mag in BVriuU, respectively. Comparisons of our standard system photometry with published SN Ia light curves and comparison stars reveal mean agreement across samples in the range of ~0.00-0.03 mag. We discuss the recent measurements of our telescope-plus-detector throughput by direct monochromatic illumination by Cramer et al (in prep.). This technique measures the whole optical path through the telescope, auxiliary optics, filters, and detector under the same conditions used to make SN measurements. Extremely well-characterized natural-system passbands (both in wavelength and over time) are crucial for the next generation of SN Ia photometry to reach the 0.01 mag accuracy level. The current sample of low-z SN Ia is now sufficiently large to remove most of the statistical sampling error from the dark energy error budget. But pursuing the dark-energy systematic errors by determining highly-accurate detector passbands, combining optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry and spectra, using the nearby sample to illuminate the population properties of SN Ia, and measuring the local departures from the Hubble flow will benefit from larger, carefully measured nearby samples.

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CfAIR2 is a large homogeneously reduced set of near-infrared (NIR) light curves for Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) obtained with the 1.3m Peters Automated InfraRed Imaging TELescope (PAIRITEL). This data set includes 4607 measurements of 94 SN Ia and 4 additional SN Iax observed from 2005-2011 at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory on Mount Hopkins, Arizona. CfAIR2 includes JHKs photometric measurements for 88 normal and 6 spectroscopically peculiar SN Ia in the nearby universe, with a median redshift of z~0.021 for the normal SN Ia. CfAIR2 data span the range from -13 days to +127 days from B-band maximum. More than half of the light curves begin before the time of maximum and the coverage typically contains ~13-18 epochs of observation, depending on the filter. We present extensive tests that verify the fidelity of the CfAIR2 data pipeline, including comparison to the excellent data of the Carnegie Supernova Project. CfAIR2 contributes to a firm local anchor for supernova cosmology studies in the NIR. Because SN Ia are more nearly standard candles in the NIR and are less vulnerable to the vexing problems of extinction by dust, CfAIR2 will help the supernova cosmology community develop more precise and accurate extragalactic distance probes to improve our knowledge of cosmological parameters, including dark energy and its potential time variation.
63 - Mario Hamuy 1996
BVRI light curves are presented for 27 Type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes in the B, V, and I bands and the initial decline rate parameter m15(B) are also given.
The ESSENCE survey discovered 213 Type Ia supernovae at redshifts 0.1 < z < 0.81 between 2002 and 2008. We present their R and I-band photometry, measured from images obtained using the MOSAIC II camera at the CTIO 4 m Blanco telescope, along with rapid-response spectroscopy for each object. We use our spectroscopic follow-up observations to determine an accurate, quantitative classification and a precise redshift. Through an extensive calibration program we have improved the precision of the CTIO Blanco natural photometric system. We use several empirical metrics to measure our internal photometric consistency and our absolute calibration of the survey. We assess the effect of various potential sources of systematic bias on our measured fluxes, and we estimate that the dominant term in the systematic error budget from the photometric calibration on our absolute fluxes is ~1%.
455 - M. M. Phillips 2002
This paper provides a progress report on a collaborative program at the Las Campanas and Cerro Tololo Observatories to observe the near-IR light curves of Type Ia supernovae. We discuss how the morphologies of the JHK light curves change as a function of the decline rate. Evidence is presented which indicates that the absolute magnitudes in the H band have little or no dependence on the decline rate, suggesting that SNe Ia may be nearly perfect cosmological standard candles in the near-IR. A preliminary Hubble diagram in the H band is presented and compared with a similar diagram in V for the same objects. Finally, observations of two peculiar supernovae, 1999ac and 2001ay, are briefly discussed.
70 - Mario Hamuy 1996
We present a family of six BVI template light curves for SNe Ia for days -5 and +80, based on high-quality data gathered at CTIO. These templates display a wide range of light curve morphologies, with initial decline rates of their B light curves between m15(B)=0.87 mag and 1.93 mag. We use these templates to study the general morphology of SNe Ia light curves. We find that several of the main features of the BVI templates correlate tightly with m15(B). In particular, the V light curves, which are probably a reasonably good approximation of the bolometric light curves, display an orderly progression in shapes between the most-luminous, slowest-declining events and the least-luminous, fastest-declining SNe. This supports the idea that the observed spectroscopic and photometric sequences of SNe Ia are due primarily to one parameter. Nevertheless, SNe with very similar initial decline rates do show significant differences in their light curve properties when examined in detail, suggesting the influence of one or more secondary parameters.
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