An X-ray Survey of Colliding Wind Binaries

Abstract in English

We have compiled a list of 36 O+O and 89 Wolf-Rayet binary candidates in the Milky Way and Magellanic clouds detected with the Chandra, XMM-Newton and ROSAT satellites to probe the connection between their X-ray properties and their system characteristics. Of the WR binaries with published parameters, all but two have kT > 0.9 keV. The most X-ray luminous WR binaries are typically very long period systems. The WR binaries show a nearly four-order of magnitude spread in X-ray luminosity, even among among systems with very similar WR primaries. Among the O+O binaries, short-period systems generally have soft X-ray spectra and longer period systems show harder X-ray spectra, again with a large spread in LX/Lbol.
