Maxwells equations approach to soliton excitations of surface plasmonic resonances

Abstract in English

We demonstrate that soliton-plasmon bound states appear naturally as propagating eigenmodes of nonlinear Maxwells equations for a metal/dielectric/Kerr interface. By means of a variational method, we give an explicit and simplified expression for the full-vector nonlinear operator of the system. Soliplasmon states (propagating surface soliton-plasmon modes) can be then analytically calculated as eigenmodes of this non-selfadjoint operator. The theoretical treatment of the system predicts the key features of the stationary solutions and gives physical insight to understand the inherent stability and dynamics observed by means of finite element numerical modeling of the time independent nonlinear Maxwell equations. Our results contribute with a new theory for the development of power-tunable photonic nanocircuits based on nonlinear plasmonic waveguides.
