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Submillimeter Polarization of Galactic Clouds: A Comparison of 350 micron and 850 micron Data

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Hertz and SCUBA polarimeters, working at 350 micron and 850 micron respectively, have measured the polarized emission in scores of Galactic clouds. Of the clouds in each dataset, 17 were mapped by both instruments with good polarization signal-to-noise ratios. We present maps of each of these 17 clouds comparing the dual-wavelength polarization amplitudes and position angles at the same spatial locations. In total number of clouds compared, this is a four-fold increase over previous work. Across the entire data-set real position angle differences are seen between wavelengths. While the distribution of phi(850)-phi(350) is centered near zero (near-equal angles), 64% of data points with high polarization signal-to-noise (P >= 3sigma_p) have |phi(850)-phi(350)| > 10 degrees. Of those data with small changes in position angle (<= 10 degrees) the median ratio of the polarization amplitudes is P(850)/P(350) = 1.7 +/- 0.6. This value is consistent with previous work performed on smaller samples and models which require mixtures of different grain properties and polarization efficiencies. Along with the polarization data we have also compiled the intensity data at both wavelengths; we find a trend of decreasing polarization with increasing 850-to-350 micron intensity ratio. All the polarization and intensity data presented here (1699 points in total) are available in electronic format.

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We present a summary of data obtained with the 350 micron polarimeter, Hertz, at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. We give tabulated results and maps showing polarization vectors and flux contours. The summary includes over 4300 individual measurements in 56 Galactic sources and 2 galaxies. Of these measurements, 2153 have P >= 3sigma_p statistical significance. The median polarization of the entire data set is 1.46%.
We present 107 maps of continuum emission at 350 microns from Galactic molecular clumps. Observed sources were mainly selected from the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS) catalog, with 3 additional maps covering star forming regions in the outer Galaxy. The higher resolution of the SHARC-II images (8.5 beam) compared with the 1.1 mm images from BGPS (33 beam) allowed us to identify a large population of smaller substructures within the clumps. A catalog is presented for the 1386 sources extracted from the 350 micron maps. The color temperature distribution of clumps based on the two wavelengths has a median of 13.3 K and mean of 16.3 +- 0.4 K, assuming an opacity law index of 1.7. For the structures with good determination of color temperatures, the mean ratio of gas temperature, determined from NH3 observations, to dust color temperature is 0.88 and the median ratio is 0.76. About half the clumps have more than two substructures and 22 clumps have more than 10. The fraction of the mass in dense substructures seen at 350 microns compared to the mass of their parental clump is ~0.19, and the surface densities of these substructures are, on average, 2.2 times those seen in the clumps identified at 1.1 mm. For a well-characterized sample, 88 structures (31%) exceed a surface density of 0.2 g cm^(-2), and 18 (6%) exceed 1.0 g cm^(-2), thresholds for massive star formation suggested by theorists.
We present the results from a large 850 micron survey of the sigma Orionis cluster using the SCUBA-2 camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The 0.5-degree diameter circular region we surveyed contains 297 young stellar objects with an age estimated at about 3Myr. We detect 9 of these objects, 8 of which have infrared excesses from an inner disc. We also serendipitously detect 3 non-stellar sources at > 5sigma that are likely background submillimetre galaxies. The 9 detected stars have inferred disc masses ranging from 5 to about 17MJup, assuming similar dust properties as Taurus discs and an ISM gas-to-dust ratio of 100. There is a net positive signal toward the positions of the individually undetected infrared excess sources indicating a mean disc mass of 0.5 MJup . Stacking the emission toward those stars without infrared excesses constrains their mean disc mass to less than 0.3MJup, or an equivalent Earth mass in dust. The submillimetre luminosity distribution is significantly different from that in the younger Taurus region, indicating disc mass evolution as star forming regions age and the infrared excess fraction decreases. Submillimeter Array observations reveal CO emission toward 4 sources demonstrating that some, but probably not much, molecular gas remains in these relatively evolved discs. These observations provide new constraints on the dust and gas mass of protoplanetary discs during the giant planet building phase and provide a reference level for future studies of disc evolution.
87 - Anna Sajina 2004
We present preliminary results on a study of the 2--850 micron SEDs of a sample of 30 FIRBACK galaxies selected at 170 micron. These sources are representative of the brightest ~10% of the Cosmic Infrared Background. They are a mixture of mostly local (z<~0.3) starforming galaxies, and a tail of ULIGs that extend up to z~1, and are likely to be a similar population to faint SCUBA sources. We use archival Spitzer IRAC and MIPS data to extend the spectral coverage to the mid-IR regime, resulting in an unprecended (for this redshift range) census of their infrared SEDs. This allows us to study in far greater detail this important population linking the near-IR stellar emission with PAH and thermal dust emission. We do this using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, which easily allows for the inclusion of ~6 free parameters, as well as an estimate of parameter uncertainties and correlations.
120 - Tie Liu , Di Li , David Eden 2019
This white paper gives a brief summary of Galactic continuum surveys with the next generation 850 micron camera at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) in the next decade. This new camera will have mapping speeds at least 10-20 times faster than the present SCUBA-2 camera, and will enable deep (<10 mJy/beam) and extensive continuum surveys such as a wider (-5 deg.<l<240 deg., |b|<2-5 deg.) Galactic Plane survey, a larger Gould Belt survey, and a follow-up survey of all Planck compact objects visible from the northern hemisphere. These surveys will provide a complete census of molecular clouds, filaments, and dense cores across the Galaxy, vital for studying star formation in various environments.
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