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We experimentally demonstrate, using qubits encoded in photon polarization, that if two parties share a single reference direction and use locally orthogonal measurements they will always violate a Bell inequality, up to experimental deficiencies. This contrasts with the standard view of Bell inequalities in which the parties need to share a complete reference frame for their measurements. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate that as the reference direction degrades the probability of violating a Bell inequality decreases smoothly to (39.7 +/- 0.1) % in the limiting case that the observers do not share a reference direction. This result promises simplified distribution of entanglement between separated parties, with applications in fundamental investigations of quantum physics and tasks such as quantum communication.
Non-classical correlations arising in complex quantum networks are attracting growing interest, both from a fundamental perspective and for potential applications in information processing. In particular, in an entanglement swapping scenario a new kind of correlations arise, the so-called nonbilocal correlations that are incompatible with local realism augmented with the assumption that the sources of states used in the experiment are independent. In practice, however, bilocality tests impose strict constraints on the experimental setup and in particular to presence of shared reference frames between the parties. Here, we experimentally address this point showing that false positive nonbilocal quantum correlations can be observed even though the sources of states are independent. To overcome this problem, we propose and demonstrate a new scheme for the violation of bilocality that does not require shared reference frames and thus constitute an important building block for future investigations of quantum correlations in complex networks.
Simply and reliably detecting and quantifying entanglement outside laboratory conditions will be essential for future quantum information technologies. Here we address this issue by proposing a method for generating expressions which can perform this task between two parties who do not share a common reference frame. These reference frame independent expressions only require simple local measurements, which allows us to experimentally test them using an off-the-shelf entangled photon source. We show that the values of these expressions provide bounds on the concurrence of the state, and demonstrate experimentally that these bounds are more reliable than values obtained from state tomography since characterizing experimental errors is easier in our setting. Furthermore, we apply this idea to other quantities, such as the Renyi and von Neumann entropies, which are also more reliably calculated directly from the raw data than from a tomographically reconstructed state. This highlights the relevance of our approach for practical quantum information applications that require entanglement.
We give the complete list of 175 facet Bell inequalities for the case where Alice and Bob each choose their measurements from a set of four binary outcome measurements. For each inequality we compute the maximum quantum violation for qubits, the resistance to noise, and the minimal detection efficiency required for closing the detection loophole with maximally entangled qubit states, in the case where both detectors have the same efficiency (symmetric case).
We demonstrate a novel approach of violating position dependent Bell inequalities by photons emitted via independent photon sources in free space. We trace this violation back to path entanglement created a posteriori by the selection of modes due to the process of detection.
Bell inequalities are important tools in contrasting classical and quantum behaviors. To date, most Bell inequalities are linear combinations of statistical correlations between remote parties. Nevertheless, finding the classical and quantum mechanical (Tsirelson) bounds for a given Bell inequality in a general scenario is a difficult task which rarely leads to closed-form solutions. Here we introduce a new class of Bell inequalities based on products of correlators that alleviate these issues. Each such Bell inequality is associated with a unique coordination game. In the simplest case, Alice and Bob, each having two random variables, attempt to maximize the area of a rectangle and the rectangles area is represented by a certain parameter. This parameter, which is a function of the correlations between their random variables, is shown to be a Bell parameter, i.e. the achievable bound using only classical correlations is strictly smaller than the achievable bound using non-local quantum correlations We continue by generalizing to the case in which Alice and Bob, each having now n random variables, wish to maximize a certain volume in n-dimensional space. We term this parameter a multiplicative Bell parameter and prove its Tsirelson bound. Finally, we investigate the case of local hidden variables and show that for any deterministic strategy of one of the players the Bell parameter is a harmonic function whose maximum approaches the Tsirelson bound as the number of measurement devices increases. Some theoretical and experimental implications of these results are discussed.